Thursday, July 25, 2013

Renewable News Round Up 280115

Renewable News Round Up 280115
We're in the midst of Winter and renewable energy systems throughout the UK are working overtime to keep households warm and with electricity. Reports on the increased uptake of Solar PV and the increasing popularity of renewable energy globally suggest that in Winters to come, the number of households powered by renewables will keep increasing rapidly. Keep checking the Renewable News Round-Up throughout 2015 for updates on all of the latest renewable energy uptake statistics.


During 2014, solar panels had been fitted on the roofs of more than 125,000 homes in the UK which could trigger the first non-automatic degression in the Feed-in Tariff for small-scale solar PV systems since 2012. As of April 2015, tariffs could be cut by 3.5% for installations smaller than 10kW and between 50kW and 5MW.

Figures published by the government showed the capacity of roof- and ground-mounted solar PV systems installed in 2014 to total 700MW. This is the equivalent of powering 212,000 homes.

The FiT is usually reduced automatically every 9 months but according to the Solar Trade Association (STA), the latest proposed tariff cuts are the first since 2012 to be triggered by the number of systems deployed. Nevertheless, David Pickup, business analyst at the STA, said that while the industry is experiencing "healthy growth", the tariff banding needs to be reconfigured to allow for more growth in larger rooftop and smaller or community solar farm projects.

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Analysts, Frost & Sullivan, predict that renewable energy capacity will increase globally by almost 6% per year over the next decade. The report suggests that the capacity of renewable energy will double by 2025.

In their annual renewable energy forecast, Frost & Sullivan predict that renewable energy capacity will increase from the 1,566GW in 2012 to 3,203GW by 2025. This will deliver an average annual growth rate of 5.7 per cent.

The report suggests that solar, wind and hydroelectric projects will continue to dominate the renewables market, which will rapidly expand driven by a combination of falling technology costs and support policies. With Solar PV technologies expected to account for 33.4% of new renewable energy capacity between 2012 and 2025, Frost & Sullivan expect it to be the most popular renewable energy source during the forthcoming decade.

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LAMMA, the UK's largest farm machinery, equipment and agricultural services show, was undoubtedly going to be a busy day for Duncan Renewables. Despite this, our team spent the day enjoying plenty of renewable energy talk and are eagerly anticipating our next agricultural show appearance at the YORKSHIRE MACHINERY SHOW (YAMS).

On WEDNESDAY 4TH FEBRUARY representatives from both our solar and biomass teams will be on hand at the York Auction Centre to give advice on anything renewable energy related. With free entry and parking, there is no excuse but to visit us on STAND MK1 BETWEEN 8.00AM AND 4.30PM.

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"LIVE EARTH RETURNS FOR 2015 - 21/01/15

Live Earth 2015 has been announced by Al Gore and Pharrell Williams and it is hoped that it will become the largest global campaign in history. Taking the form of a series of concerts around the world, the event will aim to reach a global television audience of 2 billion across 193 television networks on 18th June 2015.

The first Live Earth event took place in 2007 and saw more than 150 acts performing in 11 locations around the world. One of Live Earth's 2007 pledges invited attendees to "fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal". It is expected that this year will have a similar, if not greater, focus on promoting the use of renewable energy globally. Either way, we'll definitely be watching Live Earth 2015!

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