Monday, July 1, 2013

Commercial Solar Power Systems

Commercial Solar Power Systems
Commercial solar power systems make solar power available to everyone, which is highly advantageous for all parties and certainly a 'win-win' situation if ever there was one. Here we will examine precisely what solar power is, how it works, and what it's benefits are. What is Solar Power? Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. This means that it is a completely renewable source of energy that won't run out, and it is also one that is completely free to use (no one owns the sun) and one that is not going to produce any unwanted by-products that could be damaging to the environment (unlike fossil fuels which produce very harmful CO2). Solar power is actually the predominant form of energy on the planet when you think about the biology that lives here, and everything in a way can be traced back to solar power other than that energy that comes from the Earth's own gravity. Even fossil fuels are simply made from carbon that has been broken down and compacted over thousands of years and which still contains the biofuel from the plants and animals that once made it. And where does this energy come from? Of course it comes from the glucose which is created via photosynthesis - powered by the sun. It seems archaic really to think that we are still reliant on burning dead things when there is such a clean source of energy right over our heads that has been powering the planet for so many millennia. How Does it Work? There are two ways in which solar power can work. One of these is 'Solar Voltaic' which is a form of solar power which comes from the light itself. Here the light is used in order to 'excite' particles held on the solar panels in order to encourage a current to form which is then 'transformed' to the correct format for use with household and other appliances. The other form is 'solar thermal energy' in which the heat from the sun is used to heat up small tubes of water and then use these to heat other things such as swimming pools and spas. Why is it So Useful? The first and most obvious reason that solar power is so useful on a personal/business level is that it allows us to use energy completely free. Because the sun is so abundant and belongs to all of us, this means we can run appliances without it costing a dime. At the same time this means we are independent of energy providers and safe from power cuts or sudden increases in energy charges. The second reason is of course because it is good for the environment and this in turn allows us to use our various appliances as long as we want to and to remain completely guilt free. Because there are no carbon emissions, solar power does not contribute to global warming and this in turn means that we aren't contributing to the death of millions of species of wildlife, or the increase in natural disasters caused by the changes to the climate, weather and oceans. Finally it's important to remember that fossil fuels take millions of years to form and so are finite in nature. If we don't switch energy sources soon - well then we are going to run out of energy.


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