Monday, July 29, 2013

Denmark District Heating And Chp A Model For The World

Denmark District Heating And Chp A Model For The World
Diarmaid Williams, Comprehensive Digital Editor, Force Built-up Comprehensive LONDON -- The Danish administration are sweltering a trail in pursuing a renewable energy far-flung and is hopeful its revolution donate rub off on others.Interviewed in Deutsche Welle online this week, main energy spokespersons emphasised the roles sector energy and arrant tenderness and power can show in cleaner and further deafening far-flung.Kristoffer B"ottzauw, the substitute funnel common of the Danish energy order Energistyrelsen, which coordinates Denmark's energy campaign assumed Porcelain was paying awareness to Danish methods."Porcelain has expressed a wonderful leisure interest in our sector heating systems, the length of later biomass technology and offshore wind turbines," assumed B"ottzauw. "We went to Porcelain to help agree to later the energy and weather conditions effort caused by fruitful escalation near - the precise send that has impelled Denmark's energy policies."We appropriate whim to play a part that it's realistic."Meanwhile Tobias Austrup, an expert on renewables for Greenpeace, says Denmark's jaunt offers an example to outsized neighbours."Denmark has elsewhere that engineering countries are able to cede out uncontaminated, truthful and brief energy transition in the middle of Europe."Austrup sees the Danish energy campaign as a relationship for Europe and Germany. "So far, the German energy transition is only in disclaimer of electricity," he assumed.He went on to proclaim a few doctrine from Denmark that he would decorative to see introduced in Germany, plus a ban on fossil fuel heating and an intensified cogeneration of tenderness and power. "These trees are perfectly efficient. They use dissolve tenderness from the generation of electricity for heating."

"This oppose was originaly published on COSPP and was republished later fair."


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