Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Italy Modifies Incentive Program To Encourage Solar Thermal

Italy Modifies Incentive Program To Encourage Solar Thermal
It has been almost two years since the Italian government instituted the Conto Termico incentive program to encourage businesses and homeowners to use solar thermal systems for heat and hot water. Since its implementation, the program has seen roughly 7,000 applications. However, government officials say that is far fewer than what they had anticipated. In an effort to increase applications, the government has ordered certain modifications to the program.

To start with, the application process will be simplified in order to require less paperwork from applicants. The program has also been ordered to bring an end to the practice of continually changing application rules. The frequency of the rule changes has led to distrust of the system among both applicants and equipment installers.

The online portal for accessing the program, known as PortalTermico, will be redesigned to make it more user-friendly and accessible. It is hoped that streamlining the online application process will encourage more consumers to apply for the subsidies. Beginning January 1 (2015), subsidies of up to 65% of installation costs will be made available to both commercial and residential customers.

One final change involves program administrators taking a more proactive approach in educating consumers about the benefits of solar thermal and the incentives being offered by the government. Conto Termico has plenty of funding to support significantly more applications than they have received thus far. Officials believe that improving consumer education efforts will help change that.


The solar thermal market in Italy is very heavily focused on producing space heating and hot water for both commercial and residential applications. While other renewable energy sources are being discussed, Italy is putting a lot more emphasis on solar thermal compared to some of their other European counterparts. The Italian government wants to see a steady increase in the number of solar thermal installations in order to decrease the national dependence on fossil fuels.

Why is Italy so high on solar thermal? For the same reasons we are at Solar America Solutions. Solar thermal energy production is cost-effective, scalable, and highly efficient. It is also very flexible.

For example, photovoltaic energy production converts direct sunlight into electrical current. In theory, the electrical current could be used for nearly any purpose. However, the inefficiency of photovoltaic technology limits its benefits to small-scale residential use because it rarely, if ever, pays for itself by the time it loses its efficiency. Solar thermal is different.

The solar thermal principle is one of using energy from the sun to heat a thermal liquid transfer fluid. That thermal liquid fluid can then be used for a variety of different purposes. Solar America Solutions uses it to produce including space heat and hot water for commercial buildings. Others use it to drive turbines that produce electricity. Still others use it to reduce the power consumption of cooling systems etc.

It is the principle of heating a thermal liquid transfer fluid that allows solar thermal to compete with fossil fuel energy. We believe it is the future of renewable energy production around the world. If you want to be part of that future today, Solar America Solutions can help.

Our industry-leading SunQuest 250 solar collector panel is the most powerful and efficient panel of its kind on the market right now. With an efficiency rating of 94%, a single panel can produce up to over 350,000 BTUs per hour at temperatures as high as 400^0 F. Our systems have already been successfully installed in prison cellblocks, agricultural operations, education buildings, and more. We would be happy to show you how solar thermal can produce space heating and hot water for you, in your existing building or new construction.


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