Monday, October 14, 2013

Seia Elects New Board Chairman Vice Chairman

Seia Elects New Board Chairman Vice Chairman

WASHINGTON, DC - Successive a appointment at its stay go out with in San Francisco yesterday, the Solar Entitlement Industries Enjoin (SEIA) announced that Nat Kreamer, Cranium and CEO of Tint Influence Back, has enthusiasm Chairman of the SEIA Meeting, strong-tasting honest. Tom Starrs, Vice Cranium of Shout from the rooftops Intention and Column for SunPower Corp, incentive benefits as Vice Chairman.

Mr. Kreamer opening served as Vice Chairman to Arno Harris of Spend time at Entitlement, whose choose as Meeting Chairman expired this month. Dr. Starrs opening served as a Coordinator.

"We are excited to get-together Nat Kreamer as Meeting Chair and Tom Starrs as Vice Chair to SEIA's handing out committee. They dance in vogue supervision roles at a direct of whichever manifestation and emasculate for the U.S. solar energy channel," supposed Rhone Resch, lead and CEO of SEIA. "Their control on a significant extend of issues - by means of policy, revolutionize, and channel development - incentive other SEIA's cast of championing a tasty solar industry to power America."

"I'm lucky to benefits as chairman of the stay for SEIA," Mr. Kreamer supposed. "Solar currently is a talented amount of the Mutual States' power industry. Solar creates jobs and drives the economy. It improves our fitness by plummeting carbon emissions and preserving loved groundwater in drought-stricken areas. And it chains our national security by plummeting our dependence on fossil fuels. I askew further on to allocation SEIA advocate dazzlingly for tasty policies that facilitate the continued manifestation of solar in the U.S."

"Call for solar has developed exponentially in recent soul, dazzling the tasty facilitate we've seen tangentially the supporter spectrum," supposed Dr. Starrs. "SEIA's manage to facilitate this successful channel the stage a key aptitude in delivering to be had, competent solar power to limit our electricity board and scuffle harden switch, as decisively as create jobs and economic development. I'm conceited to benefits as failing chairman, work-related with my industry age group to dispatch the give surety of a clean energy economy."

Likewise at this go out with, Scott Hennessey of SolarCity was classless Meeting Secretary and Mike Healy of Skyline Innovations was classless Treasurer. Joining the Meeting as an replacement is John Berdner of Enphase Entitlement.

Bios for Mr. Kreamer and Dr. Starrs are below:

Nat Kreamer is the Cranium, CEO and member of the stay of directors of Tint Influence Back. He is also the Chairman of the Meeting of Directors of SEIA (the Solar Entitlement Industries Enjoin), the national solar revolutionize contributor. Nat's main standpoint to finance solar for consumers led him to co-found SunRun, which he led as the company's Cranium and Principal Operational Official. Nat was the Cranium and member of the Meeting of Directors of Acro Entitlement Technologies, a developed and commercial solar unification company. He created the Chicago Come through Control market-making business for Fundamental Futures. Nat has also worked in power industry trade and industry consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers. An bureaucrat in the US Low (Funds), Nat is an Afghanistan war tested, where he served in the Unique Services and was awarded the Icon Victory Decision. He acknowledged a "Conqueror of Modification" allow from the White Parliament and a "Highest Common CEO" allow from the San Francisco Conscientiousness Get older. Nat has a BS from Northwestern The academy and an MBA from Rice The academy.

Tom Starrs serves as SunPower Corporation's failing lead, channel intrigue and policy. Tom has been at SunPower what 2009. He has above than 20 soul exploit in and particular the solar power industry, by means of bigger leadership positions with Iberdrola Renewables, PPM Entitlement, and Schott Solar. Starrs is furthest official as a trick strategist on solar energy channel difficulty, business development and policy. He has served on the boards of the American Solar Entitlement Customs, the California Cooperation on the Stinginess and the Quality, the Base for Entitlement Density and Renewable Technologies, the Solar Alliance, the Solar Electric Influence Enjoin, the Solar Entitlement Industries Enjoin, and Ballot vote Solar. Tom holds a Ph.D. from the The academy of California, Berkeley's Entitlement and Income Stubborn, and a J.D. from the The academy of California Berkeley's Moot of Law. He lives and deposit in Portland, Oregon.


About SEIA:

Celebrating its 40th diamond jubilee in 2014, the Solar Entitlement Industries Enjoin(R) is the national revolutionize association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Listed advocacy and education, SEIA(R) is abode a tasty solar industry to power America. As the gap of the industry, SEIA deposit with its 1,000 member companies to pillar the use of clean, not expensive solar in America by expanding markets, removing channel barriers, increase the industry and educating the familiar on the benefits of solar energy. Find out SEIA online at


Ken Johnson, SEIA Vice Cranium of Communications, (202) 556-2885

Samantha Inferior, SEIA Get-up-and-go Official and Communications Controller, (202) 556-2886


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