Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Spotlights On Major Solar Project Developments Of 2015

Spotlights On Major Solar Project Developments Of 2015

2014 was a banner year for the solar industry, headlined by the commissioning of the Topaz Solar Farm. At 550 MW, it's the world's largest photovoltaic power plant, and may represent the zenith of the contemporary US solar industry. The last two years have seen unprecedented growth in US solar capacity, but with the oncoming expiration of renewable energy tax credits from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and the looming political uncertainty of 2016, we may have entered the waning days of the solar boom. But fear not solar hopefuls! With 2015 just beginning, there are a number of major solar projects scheduled to come online this year to look forward to. While the success of these projects alone cannot guarantee the long term viability of solar power, they will undoubtedly become important benchmarks for utility-scale solar power in the US moving forward.


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