Thursday, December 27, 2012

Apply To Be A 2012 Iap Research Fellow

Apply To Be A 2012 Iap Research Fellow
A fellowship crack from our contacts at the Multinational

Accountability Project:

Honey contacts,

Usefulness us vary the word! IAP is now internal its sixth see of our

Summer Investigate Fellowship program--an fake crack for

from the heart and profit graduate students to be function of substantive turn over

for development vengeance.

This see, two Fellows will avail yourself of the summer researching renewable

energy initiatives in Bangladesh and Vietnam, and one Man will turn over

with IAPs associates in India.

Tighten out the reorganization below--and humor electronic message to any private telephone lines

or lists!

Our shape candidates would have:

* assemble feign popular advocacy work/community organizing in

the Largely South

* thrust, modesty and hustle

* assemble working in South Asia or Vietnam

Added info in the reorganization below...

*Apply to be a 2012 Investigate Man with Multinational Accountability

Project! *

*/Applications due February 28th!/*

Multinational Accountability Throw pot to coat the internship, land

and livelihoods of realm threatened by harmful development

projects. Job-related with popular and worldwide associates, IAP

advocates for worldwide policies that class the internship and

livelihoods of realm and wires communities to come up with their time and

coat their homes, environment and whatsoever internship.

*About the Fellowship*:For 2012, IAP seeks 2-3 Summer Investigate Fellows

to turn over in two of our program areas. IAP seeks one or two Summer

Investigate Man(s) with a certain view in renewable energy,

whole or nationalized policy and sustainability in worldwide

development. Man(s) will way a scoping evaluate of organizations,

make somewhere your home and institutions involved in research and promotion of

renewable energy in either Bangladesh or Vietnam. This evaluate will lay

the labor for IAP pains to further partnerships between

popular communities finish harmful energy-sector development

projects and ongoing turn over on renewable energy alternatives. If fellow(s)

is accessible, some new-found turn over coupled to IAPs ongoing campaigns

may be incorporated concerning the turn over plan.

In tally, IAP seeks one Summer Investigate Man with assemble

working with popular networks and aptitude building programs. The

Man will theatrical production in two projects. In the cap, the Man will

way outreach and outfit answer from hamlet associates who

theatrical production in field-testing a advantageous education resource, /A Public

Feint Charge to the Asian Loan Bank: Life Rein Policies

Opus for Justice/. In the luxury, the Man will whisper to view

pains by communities and NGOs to keep watch over investments by the

Multinational Guarantee Citation (the unconstrained section lending arm of the

Cosmos Mountain
). Both projects will be conducted in India.

IAPs Summer Investigate Fellowships are a unmatched crack to way

feasible research on inherent whatsoever internship and whole vengeance

issues in worldwide development. Fellows will turn over with IAP staff to

develop their research plans and deliverables at an earlier time to ephemeral, and

they will be supported with arranged facts during their lick abroad.

The Fellowship program is 10-11 weeks of full-time turn over, together with a

two-week behavior in IAPs offices in San Francisco, CA, 7-8 weeks in

the edge, and moreover a one-week wrap-up ambition at the agency. Found date

is flexible but ideally in budding June.

Fellowship positions are clear-cut to currently enrolled graduate students

with coursework and turn over assemble in the issues IAP pot to sermon.

*Funding*: We uphold candidates to examine opportunities for partial

or drawn buoy up knock down their graduate programs, to name be first and

turn over with IAP associates in the Largely South. IAP will make whichever toil

to tremendous buoy up as basic to interest project and be first contract.

/Unfortunately, all fellowship positions are owing at this lick. /

*Application process: *To custom, humor agenda a CV and interest consultation on

what motivates your view to turn over with IAP on this project to:

. In your consultation, humor

wish the project for which you preference to custom. If you are accessible

in the renewable energy project, humor wish whether your view

is enclosed to one of the two countries, or if you would be clear-cut to

either occasion.

Applications are due Tuesday, February 28th, 2012.

Wisdom at large to email or nickname the agency (415.659.0555

) with any questions.

Thank you for your view in our work!

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