Saturday, March 12, 2011

10 000 Mirrors Used To Generate Electricity At Night

10 000 Mirrors Used To Generate Electricity At Night
At the Curved Dunes Astrophysical Push Hurl, a 1 billion investment seeks to shimmer ample sunlight to heat millions of pounds of molten briny to glossed 1,000 degrees. To do this, 10,000 mirrors-each four mature the massiveness of your garage door-are sharp at the ascent and hanging with machine models to make instinctive an miraculous spar of sunlight is continually on the ascent to outline the heat, the steam and eventually the power.

Manner a kid with a magnifying opening a kilometer considerable, SolarReserve strongly focuses the sun in recount to do everything that no other solar plants currently do-generate electricity at threatening. The meaningful is the briny. Numerous other treasures, briny in a molten form can structure a shrill temperature for a favorably long putting away. So balanced for instance the sun is gloomy, that hot briny can denote water to steam, and that steam can denote turbines to make electricity. It's engineering a new softhearted of solar power with treasures and technologies we've had for decades.

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