Friday, December 10, 2010

Usc Researchers Develop Liquid Nanocrystal Solar Cells That Can Be Printed Onto Plastic

Usc Researchers Develop Liquid Nanocrystal Solar Cells That Can Be Printed Onto Plastic
Imagine a solar cell that comes in a jar instead of a big, clunky panel, and that could be painted on a piece of plastic. It might be closer than you think - scientists at the University of Southern California have developed a new type of solar cell made from nanocrystals that are so small that you could fit about 250 BILLION of them on the head of a pin. Due to their size, the nanocrystals can be made into an ink and painted or printed onto clear surfaces. The breakthrough could open the door to solar cells that can be printed onto plastic instead of glass, and then bent and shaped to fit anywhere.

Read the rest of USC Researchers Develop Liquid Nanocrystal Solar Cells that Can Be Printed Onto Plastic

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Post tags: "clean energy", "solar energy", clean tech, green technology, liquid solar cell, nanocrystals, nanotechnology, renewable energy, science, solar, Solar Cell, Solar Power, University of Southern California, USC



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