Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cost Of Wind Energy In Michigan Declines By Half Report

Cost Of Wind Energy In Michigan Declines By Half Report
Since 2008, the cost of Michigan wind energy has been cut in half, according to a report issued by the Michigan Public Service Commission. According to the report, data from recent power purchase agreements reveal that the cost of wind energy was in the range of 47/MWh to 53/MWh - or nearly half the cost of coal. Further, the report finds there has been significant investment in the renewable energy sector since 2008, with more than 2.9 billion invested in the state. The report goes on to inform that Michigan is on track to meet its 10% by 2015 renewable energy standard. However, there is no mandate in place after this year. "The clock runs out on Michigan's current renewable energy this year, and we need leadership from our legislators to continue this highly successful policy in order to reduce pollution and improve the health of Michigan kids, families and seniors,"...



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