Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Obama Seeks Billions In Funding For Clean Energy Development And Emissions Cuts In 2016 Budget

President Obama released his fiscal budget for 2016 on Monday (2/2) afternoon, and it proposes an impressive 7.4 billion in funding for clean energy technologies as well as the creation of a 4 billion fund to incentivize individual U.S. states to make greater cuts to power plant emissions. The proposals are in keeping with the Obama administration's wishes to prioritize the fight against climate change in the final two years of his presidency.

Read the rest of Obama seeks billions in funding for clean energy development and emissions cuts in 2016 budget

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Post tags: "clean energy", "wind power", 2016, Climate Change, coastal flooding, department of defense, Department of Energy, Drought, emissions, fiscal budget, global warming, green energy, obama, renewable energy, solar, tax credit


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