Friday, August 3, 2012

Us Renewable Energy Statistics

Us Renewable Energy Statistics
Renewable energy at the moment accounts for 10,1% of domestically twisted electricity.Hydropower is the supreme gigantic renewable energy in Cooperative States, office for 66.8% of the sum renewable power in the U.S. in 2008, and 6% of nation's electricity.At this moment installed wind power capacity in Cooperative States of about 35,200 MW is plethora to want energy desires of director than 9,7 million households.California is basic US state being it comes to renewable energy, with 31 percent of California's electricity yet to come from renewable sources (supreme from hydropower).In the 2008 US became world senior in installed wind power capacity.Geothermal energy at the moment meets underneath than 1% of U.S. power desires.Cooperative States is world senior in generation of electricity from geothermal energy, and geothermal energy generates an inner of 15 billion kilowatt hours of geothermal power per go out with, about 30% of the world sum.The prime photovoltaic power plant in Cooperative States is the 25 MW DeSoto It follows that Measure Enormous Get-up-and-go First city in Florida.Enormous water heating capacity in US is bigger than 1,000 megawatts (MW, plethora for about 1.5 million homes and businesses.Enormous power at the moment provides underneath than 1% of U.S. energy desires.In 2009, US solar energy industry chic beginning of 37%, apart from the financial traffic circle.Cooperative States is world's basic ethanol fuel producer with 9 billion U.S. suspension gallons of ethanol fuel twisted in 2008.U.S. ethanol industry at the moment employs director than 200,000 humanity.In 2009, US wind power industry accounted for director than 85,000 jobs.Extant biomass power capacity in the Cooperative States is about 11,000 MW.The prime biomass power plant in Cooperative States is New Wish Steer Apartment biomass power plant placed in Florida with the capacity of 140 megawatts.U.S. at the moment produces about 5% of world's solar cells.


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