Sunday, July 8, 2012

What You Should Know About Concentrated Solar Power

What You Should Know About Concentrated Solar Power
Due to the increase of civilization there is a rise in the demand for energy. With the use of thermal energy there has been a steady increase of different kinds of pollution which is hurting the environment in a big way. For this reason there has been a need for alternative energy which will do the job without causing any harm to the atmosphere. CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER is gaining popularity for this reason and if you want eco-friendly alternative energy then you should give this a chance.WHAT PRECISELY IS CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER? CONCENTRATED SOLAR ENERGY is a process where the sunlight is converted into electricity just like in the case of solar energy. In this process mirror or special lenses are used to concentrate the sun's energy from a large area of sunlight onto a small area, which is then converted into heat usually of very high temperature. This heat can be used to operate convectional generator or can be converted into electricity and this electricity can be utilized in any way you please. DIFFERENT FORMS OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM There are mainly four types of CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER system which is used for the process of conversion of the sunlight into electricity. The first type is called the Parabolic Troughs. The sunlight reflects and concentrates the sunlight on the Mirror or lenses. The structure is made in such a fashion that there is a pipe fitted on the sides of the Trough. This pipe is filled with liquids like some type of oil which gets heat and then this heated oil runs through the generator to create electricity. This type of energy conversion is the most common and used by many. The next type is known as the Dish Stirling. The technology is also called Dish Engine system. In this system the receiver will be situated at the reflector's focal point. Usually a detached Parabolic Reflector will concentrate the sunlight on the mentioned receiver. The heated oil or other related fluid in the receiver heats up to generate electricity. Fresnel Reflector is also another important CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER System where many flat and slim strips of mirror are used to concentrate sunlight onto the tubes which holds the fluid. This technology is much cheaper than Parabolic Trough so if you are on a budget you can look into this technology. Solar Power Towers are the last type of technology which helps in this process. Here special mirror called heliostats tracks the sun. After that it reflects the concentrated sunlight on the receiver which is placed at the bottom of the pole. After this the process is almost the same so which means the related fluid will heat up to produce electricity. To lower the electricity bills you can use any one of these CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER Technologies for your home, factory or office nowadays. After you research well on the different technologies you can know which one will suit your space and budget and you can buy the related equipments and have a source of alternative energy which can is also eco-friendly. The post What you should know about Concentrated Solar Power? appeared first on Solar Powers.


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