Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oilgae Test Drive Algae Power Hits The Road

Oilgae Test Drive Algae Power Hits The Road
Corn and soybean derived biofuels have long been the most promising options on the table for escaping the clutches of fast depleting petroleum. However, acquiring the space necessary to produce ethanol and biodiesel at the same consumption rate as fossil fuels would be impossible, so sustainable fingers are pointing to oilgae, or algae fuel. Algae produces 30 times more energy per acre than corn or soybeans and can grow in salt water, our worlds most abundant source. There are several startups bringing pond scum to fuel tanks, among them Solazyme who were caught driving around Sundance Film Festival this year with an oilgae-powered car.

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Post tags: algae biofuel, algae fuel, biodiesel, biofuel, oilgae, plant fuel, Solazyme, Sundance Film Festival


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