Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mrv Material Recovery Facility Black Bag And Commercial Wasteclean Dry Woody Biomass Fouel For Gasification Pyrolysis

Mrv Material Recovery Facility Black Bag And Commercial Wasteclean Dry Woody Biomass Fouel For Gasification Pyrolysis
Dear Colleague, We have a client with a tech which has been described as "an MRV, (Material Recovery Facility) on steroids" - it takes in black bag and commercial waste, removes for sale the recyclates rather than destroying them as per gasification / incineration, and generates a clean, dry, pelletized fuel, that is essentially woody biomass, that can be used in other Finning potential gasifier / pyroliser driven projects, or sold to third parties, and where upon burning, there is much less toxic ash and toxic emissions than would occur with mass burn or pyrolysis of unsorted waste. They are looking for sites for this tech and we see opportunities with large clients who have expressed a wish to switch their existing chps, from natural gas to gasifiers / pyrolisers running on low carbon gas, which the tech generates. If you are aware of any potential sites then let me know. Typically in a 12 m high industrial building, road access, no odour, clearly some sort of industrial land would be ideal. There may well be a finders fee. Thanks DAVID ANDREWS TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Finning Power Systems 688-689 Stirling Road, Slough SL1 4ST, UK Mobile:+44 (0)7714 920610 FULL EPC AND FINANCE FOR ENERGY PLANTS (0.5 - 30 MWE): o Gas Engine and Steam Turbine CHP with District Heating o Energy Centres o Critical Emergency Power Supplies o Landfill Gas Generation o Anaerobic Digestion o Biomass Combustion Heat or Power o Biofuels o Geothermal Power o Geothermal Heat o Geothermal Cooling o PV o Diesel Generation with Raw Vegetable Oil o STOR o Waste to Energy (Pyrolysis, Gasification, Combustion) o Gas to Grid o District Heating o District Cooling o Small Pumped Hydro o ORC o Civils o Mechanical o Electrical to 66kV o ICA o


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