Poet - Chancellor, SD
This till is undergoing an innovation that spur come to it to grade 100 million gallons of ethanol per day. As section of the innovation a concentrated spend foolishly reservoir is individual installed that spur come to Poet to dedicate on all sides of 60% of the energy needs for the till from the burning of wood wastes from a curious pallet detached house.
Poet above and beyond announced that it has reached an treaty subsequently the Town of Sioux Force to peacefulness landfill gas (methane) from the Sioux Force Home Launder Landfill. Originator the landfill gas spur displace 10% of the leaves natural gas needs growing to 30% in 2025 as the sign up of gas the landfill creates increases.
Poet - Scotland, SD
Scotland is the arena of POET's 9 million gallon per day cellulosic ethanol research till. The till is now run on biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of the spend foolishly stream finished via in the rear cellulosic ethanol has been produced.
Calgren Renewable Fuels - Pixley, CA
52 million gallon per day ethanol till that uses spend foolishly cozy from a cogeneration till at the arena to restraint natural gas use by 20 percent and the addendum of biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of cow manure spur cut natural gas logic whole latest eight percent in the production process.
Down Flint Ethanol - Underwood, ND
This till is to be found nearby to a coal fired up electric producing till and uses spend foolishly cozy from that till to adapt for the stage 50 million gallons per day of ethanol.
Siouxland Ethanol - Jackson, NE
50 million gallon per day ethanol till uses methane improved from a obstruct landfill to attenuate on all sides of 10% of it's natural gas wishes.
Bump And Effective - Winnebago, MN
44 million gallon per day ethanol till that burns biomass to restraint it's natural gas needs by on all sides of 50%. This till has above and beyond installed two electric producing wind turbines that adapt for the stage on all sides of 45% of the leaves electrical needs.
Central Minnesota Ethanol Supportive - Rapid Force, MN
21.5 million gallon per day till that uses a biomass gasification system to replace all of it's natural gas needs and above and beyond provides on all sides of 33% of it's electric needs (defeat the use of cogeneration). The system uses wood wastes from curious industries for fuel.
Chippewa Gap Ethanol Responsibility - Benson, MN
33 million gallon ethanol that is installing a biomass gasification system that spur at the end of the day replace on all sides of 90% of the leaves natural gas needs. The early on round of the process is traditional to be more in little 2008 and spur replace on all sides of 20% of the leaves natural gas needs. The full-blown project is branched modish 3 phases and spur read between the lines on all sides of 3 time to airless.
Abengoa Bioenergy - Colwich, KS
25 million gallon ethanol till that uses landfill gas from the Brooks Landfill to attenuate specific of it's natural gas needs. Almanac natural gas reserves are demanding at 1.4 million per day.
Mid-Missouri Ethanol - Malta Bend, MO
40 million gallon per day ethanol till that is stopping at landfill gas from obstruct Shawnee landfill to attenuate self-important than 90% of it's natural gas needs.
E3 Biofuels - Meade, NE
24 million gallon per day ethanol till that uses an anaerobic digester to convert cow manure to methane to power the till.
E3 had the first part of impediment that go for their production output to on all sides of half. The detached house claims ruinous shop and has sued the contractor. This move along to E3 filing for stop working and has not resumed production.
Renova Crusade - Heyburn, ID
20 Million gallon per day ethanol till that is stopping at an anaerobic digester to adapt for the stage methane to displace all of it's natural gas needs and a specific of it's electricity. The digester spur be fed the stiff stillage from the ethanol making process and whey wastes from a obstruct cheese till.
Renova ran modish help overruns on this project and has filed for stop working. The till is yet to be more.
Panda Ethanol - Hereford, TX
105 million gallon per day ethanol till currently out cold shop. It spur use gasified cow manure to dedicate energy for the production process.
In 2009 Panda ran modish help overruns and the Hereford machinery documentation for stop working. The till has yet to be throughout.
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