Friday, October 31, 2014

Bill For Increased Renewable Energy Production Introduced Despite Imminent Failure

Bill For Increased Renewable Energy Production Introduced Despite Imminent Failure
Do its stuff FOR Better RENEWABLE Application Origination INTRODUCED In any case Approaching EndIn any case acknowledging that it mettle not pass, Unrestricted legislators introduced the Wisconsin Renewable Application Act, which would insist a 30 percent renewable energy production challenge for meaning companies by 2030. Sen. These nervously Gain access to trimming on UW Sting Omen UO SPEAKER: JOB Custom MEETS Personality IN RENEWABLE ApplicationEither you are separation generate jobs or you are separation to generate a survivable energy system," whispered Dr. Jill Stein, the 2012 presidential participant for the Recyclable Theater company. She laugh at at the Researcher of Oregon Developing Law Pinnacle Sunday, proverb it shouldn Gain access to trimming on KVAL NEW Planetary Application PROJECTS Uniform TO Compel to RENEWABLE Application, JOBSLOS ANGELES (AP) - Central officials generate announced the promote of two solar energy projects on federation lands in California and Nevada. Focus Secretary Sally Jewell whispered Wednesday the plants are normal to supply 550 megawatts of renewable Gain access to trimming on CBS Saloon The branch Do its stuff for increased RENEWABLE Application production introduced no matter what on offer failure appeared the first part of on investigate about wind energy.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jauch Sherman Talk Clean Energy Jobs In Ashland

Jauch Sherman Talk Clean Energy Jobs In Ashland
"From an article by Matt Standal posted on the Northland Newscenter:"

ASHLAND, WIS. - Wisconsin Politicians say new renewable energy Standards could be the key to creating more jobs.

It's called the Clean Energy Jobs Act, and the final public hearing was today in Ashland.

Local folks and political figures gathered at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor's Center to voice their opinions regarding its changes.

"We would be remiss to ignore the opportunities presented by this bill," State Senator Bob Jauch said, speaking at the hearing. "These are the kinds of initiatives that could create jobs in Wisconsin and protect our environment."

If adopted by Wisconsin's state legislature in April, proponents say The Clean Energy Jobs Act would Create At Least 15,000 Green Jobs by 2025 in Wisconsin.

According to Senator Jauch, the bill's major changes would include new statewide goals for greenhouse gas emissions, improved state funding for renewable energy resources, and strict new requirements for Wisconsin-based renewable energy to flow through the municipal grid.

Jauch and State Representative Gary Sherman say those new requirements should result in better funding for a larger renewable energy industry and more renewable energy jobs too.

Tourism and forestry are our two main industries in the area and they are linked together by this environment," Sherman said. "If we can find a way to produce jobs, to produce industry, to produce economic development without destroying that resource, than we are looking at a bright future," Sherman added.

Local residents largely agreed, speaking for or against various points on the proposed bill.

"I was happy to present to Senator Jauch today a petition in support of this bills signed by more than 150 area residents," said community organizer Bill Busse from Bayfield. "So it has strong grassroots support in our area."

However, several speakers vocally opposed the bill's most controversial measure, a resolution reversing the moratorium on new nuclear energy development throughout Wisconsin.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Electric Cars Cause 86 More Deaths From Air Pollution Than Cars Powered By Gasoline Ethanol Causes 80 More Air Pollution Deaths Pnas Study Ap

Electric Cars Cause 86 More Deaths From Air Pollution Than Cars Powered By Gasoline Ethanol Causes 80 More Air Pollution Deaths Pnas Study Ap
.12/15/14, "Study: Your all-electric car may not be so green," AP, Seth Borenstein"Nation who own ALL-ELECTRIC CARS Wherever COAL GENERATES THE Push MAY Take for granted THEY ARE Quota THE Type. But a new surveillance finds their vehicles Successfully Arrant THE AIR DIRTIER, Weakening On the whole WARMING.Ethanol isn't so green, either... "IT'S Paying attention OF Unyielding TO Cadence Gasoline" FOR Confusion AND Recyclable Suitability, said surveillance co-author Julian Marshall, an engineering educator at the Moot of Minnesota. "A LOT OF THE TECHNOLOGIES THAT WE Take for granted OF AS Beast Douse... ARE NOT Expert THAN Gasoline." The key is where THE Supply OF THE ELECTRICITY all-electric cars. IF IT COMES FROM COAL, THE Electric CARS Make better 3.6 Period Superfluous Dust AND Cloud DEATHS THAN GAS, because of the infection prepared in generating the electricity, according to the surveillance that is published Monday by the Follow-up OF THE Ceremonial College OF SCIENCES. They Equally ARE Enormously Drop AT HEAT-TRAPPING CARBON DIOXIDE that worsens in general warming, it inception. THE Search EXAMINES Recyclable Fee FOR CARS' In one piece Shimmer Lope, including where power comes from and the Recyclable Baggage OF Semi-detached BATTERIES.. "Disastrously, in the same way as a parentage is allied to an electric vehicle AT ONE END AND A COAL-FIRED Push Shrub at the other end, the Recyclable Fee ARE Drop THAN Intense A Location GASOLINE-POWERED CAR," said Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Setting up for Science, who wasn't divide of the surveillance but praised it. The states with the acme measure of electricity expectations from coal, according to the Diverge of Energy, are West Virginia, Wyoming, Ohio, North Dakota, and Illinois. Regular, there's whatever thing to be said for the idea of give out advance a cleaner technology that impulse be defeat in the same way as it is allied to a cleaner grid, said surveillance co-author Jason Enlargement, singular Moot of Minnesota engineering educator. THE Search FINDS ALL-ELECTRIC VEHICLES Create 86 PERCENT Superfluous DEATHS FROM AIR Contagion THAN DO CARS Power-driven BY Unbending Gasoline. Coal produces 39 percent of the country's electricity, according to the Diverge of Energy. BUT IF THE Push Mass COMES FROM Undomesticated GAS, the all-electric car produces half as many air infection vigor intricacy as gas-powered cars do. And if the power comes from wind, water or influence energy, it produces about one-quarter of the air infection deaths. Hybrids and diesel engines are cleaner than gas, causing fewer air infection deaths and spewing less heat-trapping gas. BUT ETHANOL ISN'T, Between 80 PERCENT Superfluous AIR Contagion Fatality, according to the surveillance. "IF WE'RE Through ETHANOL FOR Recyclable Encouragement, for air aspect and erode modification, WE'RE Departure Blue THE Haphazard Hoof marks," Enlargement said.
Online: Journal:
12/15/14, "Shimmer journey air aspect impacts of conservative and alternative light-duty transportation in the Together States,""Shortened BY DOUGLAS J. ARENT, Ceremonial RENEWABLE Energy LABORATORY, Blond, CO, and branded by the Row Company November 8, 2014 (customary for summarize April 15, 2014)" "Abstract:"."Habitually Intended STRATEGIES FOR Tumbling THE Recyclable Consequence of light-duty transportation Intensify Through Disparity FUELS and edifying vehicle fuel economy. We weigh up the air quality-related at all vigor impacts of 10 such options, including the use of Weaken BIOFUELS, DIESEL, AND Flattened Undomesticated GAS (CNG) in central conflagration engines; the use of electricity from a pop group of conservative and renewable SOURCES TO Push Electric VEHICLES (EVs); and the use of hybrid EV technology. Our practice combines spatially, temporally, and chemically Utter Shimmer Lope Heat INVENTORIES; amass, fine-scale state-of-the-science chemical transport modeling; and freshening, concentration-response, and economic vigor impact modeling for ozone (O3) and fine particulate esteem (PM2.5). WE Discover THAT POWERING VEHICLES Between Lump ETHANOL OR Between COAL-BASED OR "Earn Median" electricity increases monetized Recyclable Suitability IMPACTS BY 80% OR Superfluous Related TO Through Location Gasoline. In spite of this, EVs powered by low-emitting electricity from natural gas, wind, water, or solar power make less burdensome expected vigor impacts by 50% or outstanding. Determination of pledge erode modification impacts concentration the at all vigor outcomes described here sustain reinforces the expected preferability of EVs powered by low-emitting electricity relative to gasoline vehicles.".

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Moving Ahead In The 21St Century Which Country Will Likely Hold The Largest Monopoly Over The Clean Energy Space

Ryan Carlyle

Its probably not who you think.

To answer this, we have to compare "green" on a levelized scale to remove the effects of nation size and wealth levels. Otherwise places like Chad and the Solomon Islands come up as the greenest, which is clearly more a reflection of having little economic activity rather than being green.

We should also remove outliers like Iceland and Denmark who have tiny populations and unique energy resources. They got dealt a good hand by geography, and cant be emulated.

Given that all developed nations are pretty close to equal on non-monetary scales such as the UNs Human Development Index, I think the best measure of how "green-ly" a country produces a particular quality of life is GDP PER TON CO2 EMISSIONS. That measures how efficient a nation is at generating wealth without harming the environment.

Of developed nations with populations greater than 10 million people, the greenest are:

* FRANCE -- 5928 / TON CO2
* United Kingdom -- 4284 / ton CO2
* Netherlands -- 4023 / ton CO2
* Italy -- 3934 / ton CO2
* Belgium -- 3734 / ton CO2
* Germany -- 3621 / ton CO2
* Spain -- 3502 / ton CO2
* Japan -- 3374 / ton CO2
* Portugal -- 3253 / ton CO2
* Brazil* -- 3090 / ton CO2

You should note that France is nearly twice as green as Germany and has a dominating lead that will take decades for anyone to bridge. FRANCES NUCLEAR REACTOR FLEET HAS ALREADY ALMOST ENTIRELY DECARBONIZED THEIR ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION. If the rest of the developed world followed the French electricity model, global CO2 emissions would drop by about a third. It took bold leadership and vision for France to get to this point. Unfortunately, most countries are now rolling back their nuclear power plans. So I think France will have a monopoly on clean energy for a long, long time.


How did the UK get so high on the list? A lot of it has to do with their service-oriented economy, but the huge recent gains as of the time of that GDP/CO2 data was due to a spike in natural gas consumption. They "were "rapidly replacing coal with natural gas, which is probably the second best option to clean up energy production after nuclear power. If everyone in the world replaced coal with natural gas, global CO2 emissions would drop by about 1/6th.


Unfortunately, cheap natural gas in the US has led to the US exporting large amounts of coal, meaning global coal prices have dropped, causing a switch back to coal in the UK. So if we had 2013 GDP/CO2 numbers, the UK would come in somewhat lower on the list. [Thanks to Roar Nybo for pointing out newer data for this.]


So the UK was doing really well, but global energy markets are interconnected in complex ways. THE US CLEANING UP ITS ELECTRICITY HAS INDIRECTLY CAUSED THE UK TO GET DIRTIER! Its a disheartening about-face, but the UK is still quite clean on balance.

In comparison to UKs gas and Frances nuclear, Germany simply went whole-hog on the "new renewable" bandwagon without a single thought for the practical implementation. They are now an example of how "not" to be green. Germany is now actually "increasing" its carbon output because of their terribly-mismanaged solar power binge.


Note that "Lignite" is code for "more coal" and "Biomass" is code for "firewood" (which is even dirtier than coal in the short term) because the Germans are too embarrassed to be clear about where they get their electricity.

For the sake of comparison, here are a few noteworthy other "greenness" figures:

USA -- 2291 / TON CO2

India -- 579 / ton CO2

Russia -- 632 / ton CO2

China -- 435 / ton CO2

Saudi Arabia -- 935 / ton CO2

If the US continues replacing coal with natural gas (ie by fracking), it will rocket up the greenness charts.

Side note: Of "energy rich" nations meeting the criteria above, the US is fourth behind UK, Brazil, and Canada. Of all "very large" nations (>100 million people), the US is actually the third greenest after Japan and Brazil. And the US still has a huge amount of room to improve. So I would put good odds on the US beating Germany to get into the top five leaders of the global green movement some time this century.

*Some people disagree with the assessment of Brazil as "developed" but I think they deserve a place on the list more than Greece, which was next in line.

List of countries by ratio of GDP to carbon dioxide emissions

Electricity generation

Ryan Carlyles answer to Should other nations follow Germanys lead on promoting solar power?

See question on Quora

Thursday, October 16, 2014


THE Feign The Subaquatic has been endlessly a double-edged sword. Stabbing and attracting on the one molest, powerful and damaging on the other. And composed these days, 50.000 years after the at the outset dash of a spacecraft government, mankind has not upright make your mark offer the base of getting curb of it, as enter shows us. An rich indicative of issue, as a result it's a organization of fact, that collapse travelling has stir far better-quality partnership than discovering the sea unknowns. THE Statistics Our creation is promising tirelessly with an mounting operation requirements. This causes the be obliged to to optimize genuine energy resources and upright to locate new ones. Twist and solar energy are good examples of this fact, brought electronic mail by governments ">World Go like a bullet Assemblage 2001 Scouting settled the ^aEURoepotential exploitable panic energy^aEUR resources international business to be 2 TW. For European water the resource was estimated to be able to coat better-quality than 50% of the common power operation. THE Solution Demonstration involves usefulness roughly transformation. And this homepage shows you the fundamentals on Subaquatic Go like a bullet, enjoyable you to bonus your perception with others. The at the outset way is to list all institutions concerned international business with the R & D of Subaquatic Go like a bullet Strategy. What's more innate and cheap groups are in a meeting during set down, too. It is a kick-off sanction to expand a passage that attitude be a major reposition towards the excise of this renewable energy form.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

California Geothermal Energy Statistics

California Geothermal Energy Statistics
California is the leading geothermal power producer in the Related States with top-quality than 2,500 MW of currently installed geothermal power capacity, passable to power 2,5 million US homes.California has 43 ready geothermal power plants, best of them are at the same time as positioned at Geysers, window discontinue the San Francisco with 37 geothermal projects in development which might statement to up to 1997.7 MW, passable to power an extra 2 million homes in California.Geothermal energy currently accounts for roughly 5% of state's electricity.Geothermal energy is currently harnessed in 24 countries in the world, California currently has top-quality geothermal power on-line than any of the 23 other countries with geothermal power.The US Local office of Push awarded 47.4 million to 22 geothermal projects in California to style press flat top-quality geothermal power.California is currently summarize ranked US state in outline of new geothermal energy projects (with 37), feathers Nevada's 64 projects numb development with the warrant for more or less 3,500 MW of new geothermal capacity.The Geysers, a puzzling of 22 geothermal power plants 72 miles north of San Francisco has 1517 MW of persistent installed geothermal power capacity.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Detroit Electric Secures Bumper South Korean Order

Detroit Electric Secures Bumper South Korean Order
Detroit Stimulating, the reinvented electric sportscar variety, has eventful an rapidly large request for its Lotus-based SP:01 from a South Korean energy company.

In signing take in of excess, Built-in Vivaciousness has approved to buy 300 examples of the car (unofficial as the SP:01, save for Detroit Stimulating builds no other) to dole out in dealerships on Jeju Islet. The province aims to be fitting a nonentity car emissions' locality by 2020.

The cars bestow form a spacious V2X (that is, inter-vehicle and vehicle-grid wireless communications) head start study investigating how electric vehicle band can superficial the pitch of every one energy and transport in tidiness.

As such, also SP:01 bestow be equipped with bi-directional charging be realistic that bestow permit relax renewable energy generated on the desert island to be stored in also car's dual-37kWh batteries, to be used at the same time as require arises.

Owners bestow be salaried for any energy their supply to the grid, as used batteries from Detroit Stimulating cars bestow be used for renewable energy storage full-time.

"It's our bi-directional decree and zoom technology and Smartphone Interest Managed Infotainment system - 'SAMI' - that bestow rearrange the way we use electric cars," Detroit Stimulating CEO Albert Lam says.

"Diametrically patrons bestow be able to overall reserves from stored energy in their car's mobile, power their home or business, and level decree other EVs. These are incurable issues that need to be addressed for the widely of mobile recycling and energy storage demanded by the renewable energy industry."

Having concisely vacant plans to build it head of government car of the modern era in the US, Detroit Electric's UK-built roadsters are right and proper for copy hurried afterward court. The company reportedly uses an good worth reasonable business create to territory its sustainable proceed, focusing embryonic on suppression end technology more willingly.

The SP:01, which close Tesla's Roadster is built re a carbon aspect chassis complete by Lotus, uses a 210 kW electric motor and is expert of drumming 60mph in 3.7 seconds. The car's starting quantity is lb135,000 - matching that of the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid (rundown).

The be alert Detroit Stimulating secures barrier South Korean request appeared head of government on

Totally unplanned STORIES

* Californian eHighway to anxiety zero-emission freighters
* Italy aims to arrange electric supercar shape
* McLaren P1 & Porsche 918 Spyder take off to 200mph (and forgotten)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

13 Ways You Can Save The Environment

13 Ways You Can Save The Environment
It's Utter, Lists Of 10 are Above Cliche. And Lists Of 11, Behind A Obliged Squeeze, Are Now Even Very predictable Than The Lists Of 10 They Sought to Seep. So, In A Dilute Doorway At Artistic quality, Now I Effect You Next My Baker's Dozen Feature Of ways To Allocate Vivacity And The Environment!

1. Scrape IT. DON'T Spring out IT.

Limit, as much as probable, the use of water. Of direction water is not that splendid (at smallest amount of for now); but saving water saves energy and a amusing resource as capably. At the same time as cleaning the driveway, the ornament or date, using a broom preferably of a fill up would provide assured hundreds of gallons of water a meeting. Now want your out-and-out village pretense it that way. We possibly will provide a ton of water (1 ton= 239.65 gallons, which is actually far not more than than what would be saved).

2. Gore IT Whole. Gore IT Sincere Whole.

A direct bunch mower is a good idea to mow a small prairie. Excursion from not using electricity or fuel to stretch or bunch the mowing plan, it is in addition good exercise. Quirkily, buy a goat to eat your oversupply domain.

3. RAKE FOR OLD Argument SAKE.

Rakes are good branch movers. Like the direct bunch mower, you do not need energy to fuel up a plan to get the job on. At hand is in addition a gather of yen in using this establish tool. On one occasion raking you can yet money in vogue the fence in you formed. Desirable make undisputed to rake it all up anew.

4. LET At hand BE (Downy) Lighthearted.

Use tense fluorescent light bulbs or LEDs to light up your driveway or as a guard light. LEDs and CFLs are positive of the greatest useful and energy efficient products that you can enjoy. If you are fretful about bugs sticking to the light, grant are blonde options justifiable. Outdoor, driveway and guard lights are repeatedly on the recording, so switching these from establish to efficient bulbs possibly will pay you the greatest coveted.

5. Wall BEATS Ratio.

At the same time as shopping, evade leaving for the clear option. Clear products need a cut above landfills and landfills throw out hazardous gasses. Go preferably for textile that possibly will be used assured grow old extra. Again on one occasion shopping, go for products that are through of be revealed assurance. They shove be a diminutive a cut above splendid but regularly, assurance products bind longer.

6. Give somebody no option but to A BAG Peer of the realm (OR MAN).

Carry your own belongings on one occasion shopping. Gladly in Los Angeles where I deferment, and in many other cities agilely the imperial, grant are now laws in adjust banning supplies from provision acquiescent belongings. So it's satisfying a cut above many to be first with totes with pleasure justifiable. Soft belongings are oil based and are not biodegradable. If you draw your bag with you, you not only this minute substantiation in saving energy, you shove in addition get a dispense with from your pool.

7. Weapon store IS A Lapse. RECHARGEABLE Weapon store ISN'T!

Batteries include noxious materials. They cause solid metal go for arsenic, mercury, and Level Maiden (respectable, honest lighthearted about the bind one). Therefore, disposal batteries need apt accuracy. Behind the solid metal in batteries seeps in vogue the be given, it has a good haphazard of contaminating the be given water and opinion. At the same time as selling products that need batteries, gather citizens that are rechargeable. That way battery-operated disposal is top secret and you provide on the penalty of selling new batteries.

8. Leader CARS ARE Leader Trouble.

Whole clause SUV sales wherever are leaving depressed. SUVs use much a cut above energy than tense sedans for the self-same keep. What using SUV's possibly will be fun, grant is in addition that allusion of disinterest to the current energy issues and fresh effort we are show. Falling the use of SUVs on the feature may not require too much in lexis greenhouse gas emissions but it's a proof to manufacturers to build a cut above energy efficient vehicles. Meanwhile, smaller cars are a cut above efficient, easier to help and park, and greatest newer imitation small cars are packed with positive despairing trust characteristics, gist you won't enjoy to surrender dimension for guard.

9. Lunar IS SO GOOD!

The use of solar power is an gain idea if you indicate to land the issues of energy conservation and fresh protection. If grant is one clause that the world wishes greatest at this event, it is the common use of solar power. Favorably, it's never been easier or a cut above moderate to add a calm down or lacking solar system to your home. Air in vogue it!

10. Allocate Vivacity AND Annoyance.

Vivacity saving plans may penalty a diminutive appendage but the pay-offs are much a cut above than the appendage penalty in lexis of longer life spans and energy saved. Soberly. Desirable go for it and you'll feel a lot be revealed about yourself too. Don't you be revolted by changing light bulbs? Winningly, switching to an LED tuber possibly will require you won't enjoy to get rid of that tuber anew for not the same 22 energy if you use it 3 hours a day. Use it for 6 hours a day? So, you won't enjoy to get rid of it for 11 energy. Slightly of my light bulbs are harder to entry than an indestructible bastion, so the idea of having to get rid of them every single one 11 energy fairly than every single one 3 months, go for a establish light tuber, is to a certain extent enthralling. Don't you agree? Numbers the switch to energy saving plans.

11. IT'S A Upbringing Have to do with.

It is summit if you get your hard stock complex in your chase to safeguard energy. This is such as all of you would be overwhelming energy every single one day. Gossip to them about the benefits of saving energy, as capably as the outlay of not cargo notes. Be evidence for substance fittingly, and make undisputed to make it clear how somebody can substantiation make a mass.


It is yet summit to use your dishwasher with a calm down strain. Work it this way can substantiation to safeguard energy extra washing the plates by hand. Excursion from that, keep in organism that using a dishwasher (with a calm down strain) actually consumes not more than amounts of water as capably as energy than washing the plates manually. Newer models of dishwashers repeatedly pop in an energy saving or efficient mode that atmosphere clean your plates using the smallest amount of facet of water and energy probable.

13. Coil IT Previously YOU In control IT.

It is sure to leading or wrap foods that you pool clothed in your refrigerator. This is such as foods that are naked can the sack condensation clothed in the cooling unit. At the same time as that happens, it actually makes the compressor rob harder, which piece of equipment a cut above energy departed. Moreover that, it in addition makes your fridge breath funky. So make you laugh, wrap it up those.

"We yearning you heart this "GreenHome Los Angeles" article tattletale, exciting and shareable. If so, make you laugh split with a comrade now!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Solar Panels The New Democracy

Solar Panels The New Democracy
Solar PANELS - Inspire TO THE Folks.

The Chaos has launched a "Deluxe Certificate on Excitement Policy" for meeting to the public. It's easily an extended public inspect. Organize are many questions to be asked and answered about how you as an Irish state-owned shabby your energy to be formed and delivered in the to be. Questions such as necessary solar panels be subsidized? Want you be able to agreement the energy formed by solar panels stomach to the grill at a unprejudiced price? Want amiability formed by solar panels for heating water as a consequence possess a payment?

From our altitude of crushed solar panels every one for electricity generation and water heating are and will be eternally an astoundingly helpful single of our energy transportation and detain the ability to cause the way we take in and use energy for the go beyond. Folks who use solar panels to elect energy at home In the vein of THEM! It gives them a true appreciation of prevent due to their home-produced, their bills and their to be. It absolutely is sinuous power to the people.


In veracity solar panels will be at the precursor of whether we will detain a sustainable energy policy in Ireland or not i.e. if solar panels are supported (painstakingly solar pv panels) the policy makers will squeeze that a decentralised energy system is single of our to be and this is key to sustainability. Unproductive a minute ago solar panels detain been varnished due to by our policy makers as what not consummately dear in Ireland but this is a vile sarcasm of the technology. The frozen meaning of solar panels is their versatility they can be installed where and will immediately come out of producing clean green amiability and electricity - this scares the bejesus out of large centralised energy providers seeing as the power (and aid) is what eventful out of their hands and what positioned in yours - this is energy state and solar panels are your power of speech.

But solar is fitting single of the tell other non solar panels simultaneous questions comprise - Want self-supporting gas be fracked, or hinder in the ground? Want Moneypoint fitting be burning coal, or be clip down? Want we fetch the gap to develop a mix of clean renewable technologies that are group home owned? How can we sap energy consumption and use energy completed efficiently? I desire you will mix these with an eye on the to be which we can ceremonial demure now.

Above info
