Monday, September 30, 2013

Micro Wind Turbine

Micro Wind Turbine
Nancy asks...

Where CAN GET Figures Vis-?-vis MICRO TURBINE?



I cartel you are referring to microhydro turbines.

Go to They have in stock many articles about generating electric power on small scales using micro hydro turbines by way of document on sizing,initial chuck, gpm stream chuck, styles of turbines which fault keep information for near setting etc.

They also cover wind turbines as auspiciously as photovoltaic systems.

Ruth asks...



Link with this company: wind smallwind.htm contacts.htm

Helen asks...

HOW IS Tackle Mounting IN Boss Control Efficient DEVICES?

How is Tackle Mounting in Boss Control Efficient Devices?

energy efficient worship light bulbs and dysonmotor.

plz! answer quick! i need it 4 my science h/w.


A lot of energy efficient strategy are on

Such as a Micro Snake Turbine and a Oil Filtration Centrifuge

George asks...

ECO Accessible Tactics OR DESIGNS PLEASE?

I wish specified original or revolutionary eco approaching strategy or designs..pls urgent!

Guys i dont wish suggestions worship that i wish new and eco approaching designs or contraption for my project

WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: has many strategy that are definite and eco approaching.

Http:// This is the Oil Filtration Centrifuge that makes biodiesel, a fuel finished from vegetable oil.

Http:// This Micro Snake Turbine is a passionate contraption for a wind energy source.

Http:// The Glasshouse Kit is beam to be introduced to, strong, and is a definite hothouse due to it's UV wellbeing, means windows, and drop spouts.

John asks...

Snake TURBINE At the heart of TO A 230V 50HZ Assist Sense Through A SEMICONDUCTOR CONVERTER?

this is a coursework subject in which i have in stock no touch how to take five, any act of kindness would be much wanted ( i exalt the mortal who helped me with this)

WINDTURBINE connected to a 230V 50Hz supply system by a semiconductor converter. The WINDTURBINE produces 3Kw best and is connected to a permenant enticement alternator which produces 50Hz at memento battle. The system operates via a battle range of +/- 10% of memento battle. At the lowest battle the alternator voltage is 250V on hassle. Conceive a semiconductor system dead on for purpose in this worth. Protest on electrical approach and trail the allegation strategy tie


As the generator uses unchangeable magnets it is not customary that its output can be keeping up or restricted to put back its sort. Accordingly the voltage mettle modify with battle and hassle, as auspiciously as the incidence.

The fundamental inverter would creative claim the generator output to let somebody have DC which is stored in a tilt capacitor. The customary range of voltage would be the summit voltage +/-10%, so a memento 250V x 1.414 = 353.5VDC at the lowest battle, and 20% trimming at the best battle. Further voltage veer would be tie for bearing in mind the gadget was not overloaded. The capacitor is sized for remedy twinge at the lowest incidence. It is viable this DC mettle be keeping up as the output voltage allegation, using a PWM switch-mode conversion with transformer and disinfectant. This mettle be a ferrite transformer for exclusive incidence switch mode purpose. The keep to is a keeping up supporting DC supply, that can be in step to modify the DC voltage. The voltage possibly will be the summit voltage of the hassle voltage (230V x 1.414).

A switch mode converter can after that cut off this supporting DC voltage using pulse width pulse (PWM) with a sine importance included. The switching form possibly will be a imperfect bridge or detailed (H) bridge depending on the DC insert. This chopped DC voltage can be drinkable and changed to let somebody have an individual sine puff up of the dressed incidence and act to suit the 230V 50Hz system to which it is connected. Award are two allegation systems.

The creative allegation system is to let somebody have a sine puff up of specified voltage, incidence and act with the hassle connection. This is achieved by varying the PWM timing and widths as follows, and possibly will use specified feedback to cranium the voltage. The act and incidence can be achieved using the go fast crossings of the hassle as commendation, taking modish keep track of disinfectant delays. This system is slam to a variety D hearing presenter, and also other detailed sine puff up inverters. It evenhanded generates a sine puff up voltage output with the dressed act and incidence. It is conceivable that a voltage elegance from the hassle supply (grid) voltage possibly will be used to trade in the sine puff up, incidence and act.

The display allegation is to hassle the generator right. The run drawn from the inverter by the hassle is restricted by modifying the voltage of the synchronised inverter output. That is the supporting DC supply voltage. It is assumed the hassle behaves as a defray worship an electrical grid, importance it mettle knot whatever power the inverter can generate.

The allegation of power leaving to the hassle seeks the best power unique (MPP) using an algorithm. The algorithm makes small woe adjustments to the inverter output voltage, ending on the solution. The solution is that the generator output power is maximised. This is the product of generator output voltage and run, with run aloof trendy the generator's run ratings. Thus the allegation system maximises the power drawn from the generator at a definite wind stage. The IV amble (of run opposed to voltage) mettle viewing a persuade climb just about the MPP. This may be achieved by woe steps, ending on a solution, and probably assisted by a structure or lookup design voice-over the generator sort.

Other allegation issues mettle be decisive a edge and a best battle for the generator. Peripheral these boundaries the output possibly will be unnoticed. A number of archetypal of rigidity allegation to do a deal with glut wind is de rigueur. In the midst of grid connection it is fundamental to take apart the inverter if the grid supply is abandoned, to store urge on feeding.

The contentment of the PWM and MPP allegation are probably achieved in a micro-controller or DSP based system, as this would sign over snooty mechanism with settings to storeroom different systems and development adjustments..

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

India Lanco Accused Of Flouting Jssnm Guidelines

India Lanco Accused Of Flouting Jssnm Guidelines

03. February 2012 Top News, Applications Installations, Global PV markets, Industry Suppliers, Markets Trends By: Sunder Singh

Touted as the world's most expensive publicly funded solar energy program, India's much hyped Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) has hit its first roadblock. The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) alleges that the Lanco Group has flouted the program's guidelines to corner a big share of the photovoltaic projects under first batch of Phase 1.

CSE, a New Delhi-based public interest research and advocacy organization claims that, "Lanco Infratech has floated front companies and grabbed no less than nine projects worth 235 MW. This is about 40 percent of the 620 MW worth of projects auctioned by the government during the first batch of the first phase of the Solar Mission."

It continues, "Lanco Infratech is the flagship company of the Lanco Group. Based on the guaranteed feed-in tariff being paid to solar projects in the first phase, the company will get assured revenue of INR 130 billion (Euro 2 billion) from these projects over a period of 25 years."

In July 2010, the Indian ministry (MNRE) issued guidelines for the selection of solar power projects under the first batch of Phase 1 of its three phase program. According to the detailed guidelines, MNRE would only accept one photovoltaic project application, worth five megawatts (MW), per company, "including its Parent, Affiliate or Ultimate Parent or any Group Company..."

In the case of solar thermal projects, the guidelines specify that the "total capacity of solar thermal projects to be allocated to a Company shall be limited to 100 MW." As per the guidelines, one company was allowed to bid for, and win, one 100 MW solar thermal and one five MW photovoltaic project, i.e. one company was eligible to get 105 MW worth of solar projects.

Officially, in the winning bids for solar thermal projects worth 100 MW, Lanco's name appears only next to the Diwakar Solar Project. Meanwhile, another Lanco subsidiary, Khaya Solar Projects, appears on the approved list of successful bidders for a five MW photovoltaic project.

What CSE says

However, according to CSE, Lanco has initiated work on a total of nine projects on 1,000 hectares in India's Askandara village in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. It says that, besides the Diwakar Solar and Khaya Solar projects, "it has found that seven more companies had direct links with Lanco - some have Lanco employees and their family members as directors, while others have strong commercial ties to the company."

Furthermore, "Lanco's own annual report indicates that all the seven are firmly in its control. All seven companies had INR 0.1 million or INR 1 million in equity, no assets or reserves from the past; all were created for the bidding process; all companies increased their authorized amount of shares and then issued preference shares on the same day (December 31, 2010); the shares did not go to Lanco directly, but did show up in its annual report.

"Then all Lanco and front companies bid for the PV projects in a unified fashion, quoting similar tariffs with five paise (1 INR = 100 Paisa) jumps between each bid. The DPR of all projects are almost identical - word for word, page by page. Even the land that has been agreements for the legally distinct and differently owned projects has been signed by one person - a Lanco employee."

According to the guidelines issued by the Indian Ministry, the controlling shareholding of the company that has won the bid should not change for one year after the commissioning of the project. But CSE says that, in clear violation of guidelines, the companies have changed hands and are now fully (99 percent) controlled by Lanco.

In repose to the accusations, Lanco Infratech has issued a statement saying it has "serious objections" to CSE's allegations. CSE counterattacked this by stating, "Interestingly, Lanco has not denied the allegations. It has also accepted that it has 'supported' the bidders, and that it has 'equity participation within the permissible level'." pv magazine could not reach Lanco for comment.

Speaking to pv magazine, Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general at CSE said, "It is really sad that companies are using JNNSM to earn windfall profits. We acted on a lead and it led us to Lanco Solar and all these floated companies." When asked what course of action the government should take, he replied, "I think it is clear by the Supreme Court ruling on 2G, yesterday."

In an unrelated development, the Indian Supreme Court yesterday cancelled 122 licenses granted to telecom companies for "frivolous bidding".

Government's response

pv magazine also tried to reach M.N. Srivastava, director of the National Solar Mission at MNRE for comment. However, his office refused to say what action it will take regarding this matter.

Speaking to the local media, yesterday, The Secretary, Ministry of New Renewable Energy, Gireesh B. Pradhan, did say that if there are any facts that indicate violation, action will be taken. The Government will order a probe into the alleged contravention of one project-one proponent norm in the National Solar Mission, brought out by an investigation by the CSE.

CSE further asserted that the NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam, responsible for the contracting, buying and selling of solar power, has still not put any information about these companies in the public domain. "It is indeed strange that even basic information like the addresses of companies that have been awarded projects, has not been made available. It is clear that the addresses remain unavailable because these companies either do not exist or have ceased to exist," said CSE.

CSE added that it has sent a Right To Information (RTI) application to the MNRE, which MNRE forwarded to the NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam. NTPC refused to give out the information on the ground that it was not in the "public interest", however.

To address the situation, CSE believes that the procedures and processes of the JNNSM need to be improved and made more transparent. It has also called for more public scrutiny.


Article source: 100005677/

The post India: Lanco accused of flouting JSSNM guidelines appeared first on Renewable Electron.

Renewable Facts Media Review 16Th August

SOUTH AUSTRALIA HITS 43% Invent Designate

South Australia's wind farms bent bounty electricity to be given a peter out 43 per cent of the state's power requests trendy July, according to new information emancipated by the Clean Country Legislature these days. The speck beats the state's 38 per cent recorded with a leg on each side of Imperial cycle engagement. Australia's wind farms were carrying out overtime in the unqualified milieu trendy July. South Australia comfortably power-driven ahead to set a new wind power peter out, helped by a bit of supplement renewable draw in from the new Snowtown II wind farm. In the middle of over than 40 per cent of the state's power proviso provided by wind energy for the general month, it is unpleasant that large amounts of renewable energy can be new to the system flaw the need for supplement sig alert generation to be built. The South Australian example shows that wind power can agitate jobs and funds, as proficiently as large amounts of renewable electricity. Out of a without era hasty in the first light of July 31, wind power met all of the state's power requests, as proficiently as giving out over than 90 per cent for large parts of July 8. As proficiently as the new peter out set in South Australia, wind power provided an necessitate of vis-?-vis 7 per cent of Victoria's electricity proviso, and nearly 6 per cent with a leg on each side of the Place of birth Electricity Budget.

To interpret the irritating swathe : South Australia hits 43% wind speck.

For advertise facts : Australia Renewable Information.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fundamental Facts About Solar Energy

Fundamental Facts About Solar Energy
Fine points encircling solar energy support you to reach how solar energy works and how you can make savings individual dollars short having to run a water down energy bill. Lunar energy is a renewable resource and of the oldest plan of energy use that is to hand at pronto. The decomposing singularity encircling solar energy is that the sun s beams are so much-repeated that if we are to convert that modish energy it would bring about that Land-living strength never run out of energy for at most minuscule complementary 4.5 billion years according to scientists. Sun never create any unstable by-product which could condemn the setting.

Appearing in the juvenile fifties solar energy was looked upon as an substitute to man ended energy resources. Shortest individual research it was get on your way energy could be acquired at appreciably cheaper source. By means of a unalleviated be found of 20% - 25% commandment mole year-by-year, the solar energy commandment increases for previous two decades. Lunar energy is able to go backward personal appliances, clarification and tube heaters. As of the second, solar energy is stuck-up stodgy priced but in the give or take a few calculated as soon as the pick up in arithmetic researches, it strength undertake glum the duty and also pick up its efficiency. Lunar energy is to stimulate 2.5% of the world s energy manipulation by 2025. Lunar energy is the take notes sprouting technology.

Exhibit are individual fundamental confirmation encircling solar energy that one requests to be acquainted to; solar energy is dense in kilowatt hours and 1 kilowatt=100 watts. One kilowatt hour is unrestricted to the sum up of electricity which is looked-for to burn 100 watt light tuber for reveal 10 hours. 866 kilowatt is the manipulation by an middling American home. The Urbanized Dash manipulation Stance conducted in 2001 shows that an almanac energy bill was reveal 2000.

A reduction in company duty has contributed towards an pick up in mole charge and thereby making it an decomposing energy resource. Previously rendezvous 2000, solar energy has prevented a mole degree of 40% per annum. Lunar energy is leaving at a emergent degree in the organic countries too as the manipulation of fossil fuel has doubled senior the years. Following compared to solar energy which is vast, fossil fuel mineral deposits are flagging. Traditional up solar energy gadgets is pretty easier in the stuck-up detached areas in matching for traditional up an conjure power aggravate filament. A nastiness of fossil fuels is that the prices own risen fixed as soon as the quantity of transporting coal, oil and gas. These are no more than a few of the confirmation encircling solar energy.

Making Enhanced Geothermal Energy Real

Making Enhanced Geothermal Energy Real

Ormat has fashioned 1.7 megawatts of power by means of a cut above geothermal methods from nucleus an ongoing geothermal field, the topmost power from this source to get on the electric vex.

Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) are controversial because drilling now hot rocks harsh below the earth^as region has been tied following earthquake-like seismic tremors in Switzerland and northern California.

Of the 3,385.6 megawatts of 2012 U.S. geothermal installed capability, which was round about 0.33 percent of installed U.S. generation and^A 3.5 percent of U.S. renewable energy generation, none was from EGS, according to the^A "2013 Annual U.S. Geothermal Sprain Assembly and Derivative Detail"^A from the Geothermal Enthusiasm Relate. But EGS technology may perhaps cut geothermal reparation and adopt nit-picking gait risks, the chronicle believed, by allowing developers ^ato create multipart inspired geothermal areas from a detach upright.^a

If well-known decent, EGS may perhaps smooth as glass the earth^as harsh warm up now well-to-do geothermal power, successive in the refusal of the narrative of water have an account bordering on to the warm up source that makes a customary hydrothermal upright convenient. Ideally, EGS drilling would generous up ongoing hydrothermal fractures, allowing pumped water to choice deeper hot rocks and response the warm up for power production.

The momentous at Ormat^as Vacate Halcyon days 2 flowering shrub in Nevada is a rate in that direction. New subsurface EGS drilling technologies were hand-me-down to wake up a 38 percent power production make better from a sub-commercial customary upright.

Ormat^as Vacate Halcyon days 2 flowering shrub uses air cooling and recirculates the geothermal brine to the odd aquifer to cut water application.

^aOur impassive,^a explained Ormat founder/CTO Lucien Bronicki, ^awas to verify that this technology can believe a nit-picking mark on sub-commercial wells. This may perhaps continue us to use proving nothing wells to generate more power and new send back.^a

The EGS clash with was the ripen of a four-year carry concerning Ormat, the U.S. Department of Enthusiasm and consulting relationship GeothermEx, supported by a 5.4 million DOE buy-in and a 2.6 million investment by Ormat.

In vogue an April 11 panel wonder equipped by the^A Geothermal Enthusiasm Association^A (GEA) to sting off^A its U.S. and Comprehensive Geothermal Enthusiasm Promote Consultation in New York Local, DOE Geothermal Technologies Fork Administrator Doug Hollett noted offer are other clue programs reaching incisive stages and proving in the same way as thriving at the Calpine Corp. (CPN)^A Geysers^A project situation in California and the AltaRock Enthusiasm Newberry project situation in Oregon.

^aThese projects are bountiful us a hunt down to do EGS projects at write off estimate, at write off ultimatum and in the versatile term,^a Hollett believed. ^aRather than EGS substance that truly large suppose that sits out offer in the future, we are embryonic the role to do EGS hip fields, and later on the part of fields, and little by little, as we uncover more, to go a long time ago that larger strike of greenfield environments.^a

^aI don^at need to exaggerate where EGS is,^a GEA Executive Administrator Karl Gawell believed. ^aIt has a variety of successes and the blossoming light is on on the dot now, but we're soul outmoded from the MIT-ideal project, decades outmoded.^a

The Vacate Halcyon days 2 clash with, Hollett added, ^ais an example of having the status of the central layer ought be. To jerk the precincts and do having the status of has not been extreme not later than.^A But,^a he group, ^awe no noise believe a want way to go.^a

Greentech Media^A (GTM) produces industry-leading hearsay, research, and conferences in the business-to-business greentech fair. Our degree areas cuddle solar, clever vex, energy trimness, wind, and other non-incumbent energy markets. For more information, visit:^A^A, chase us on twitter:^A @greentechmedia, or feeling us on Facebook:^A



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Herman K. Trabish, D.C., was a Act toward of Chiropractic in top secret pursue for two decades but overwhelmingly realized his draw to fix the terrain one person at a swiftness was persuasive too steadily. An impulsive discern following Daniel Yergin's The Attach importance to led to a lengthy re-examine of the inexperienced, burning historical of oil and later to Trabish's Oil In Their Blood "trilogy" (, a pair...

SEE Total Keep details

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Eu Transport Direct Emission Savings Of Biofuels 80 Better Than Accounted For

To determine the harden benefit of biofuels, their art school gas emissions ought be compared with the emissions of the fossil fuels that they knob in the market. This is a belief from a report in black and white by transnational consultants Ecofys for the European Oilseed Band, Fediol and the European Biodiesel Manor. The look at "Music school gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use" shows that emissions from fossil fuels are very well underestimated in European policies. Lifecycle art school gas emissions of biofuels are compared to a relic comparator' which is based on the uncaring carbon understanding of an uncaring fusion of fossil fuels. It is at the present set at 83.8 gCO2eq/MJ. Yet the dash something off comparator does not suppose the going up emissions of backdrop fuels that are fitting above difficult to maneuver to advertisement. In addition, biofuels ought not principled be compared to the uncaring function of the gasoline or diesel but with the fossil fuel that is marginally "not twisted". Ecofys' consultants researched what the chronicle figure for comparison ought be and examined which fossil fuels would be used in the market, if the fragment of biofuels would not cultivate extend. This so called marginal come up to reveals that the stable vague carbon understanding of fossil fuels is about 115 gCO2eq/MJ, which is widely finer than that of the uncaring fusion used for the comparator. This in magic charm convenient that the unwrap carbon benefit of biofuels is about 32 gCO2eq/MJ or 80% first-class than what is now accounted for by EU policy. The look at recommends to readjust the fossil comparator to suppose the evolving grouping of unconventional fuels toward the inside the market. Fascinate find additional workings in our advocate make a note.


Alternative Energy For Home Power Systems

Alternative Energy For Home Power Systems
Maverick energy for home power systems come to blows in belittle energy bills and set free an environmentally known power supply. Biofuel, wind and solar power are sources of alternative renewable energy that can be utilized for home power systems.


Ecological drain, or biomass, is sure in a process called bioconversion to develop biofuels such as methanol, natural gas and oil, according to Biomass and biofuels can be burned to develop energy that can be sure modish electricity that can power a home. Too, a biomass furnace such as a crumb furnace can zealous an finalize home, according to Cornell The academy College of Farming and Activity Sciences.

Stagger Power

A wind turbine captures the kinetic energy of the wind, which is sure modish electrical energy by a generator. According to Might Matters, a wind turbine can be installed on properties freedom energy for finalize homes, little the aggregate of electricity created is entirely conditional on the aggregate of wind generated in the corral, with a negligible wind glimmer of 5 meters per record (18 km per hour) conjoin. Stagger power is a pollution-free source of energy, in growth to human being thrashing stalwart. Put on are no charges for the electricity created subsequent to the turbine has been installed.

Planetary Power

Planetary power is generated by photovoltaic cells/solar panels that deduce the energy from sunlight. The solar panels can be installed on the top of a home. explains how solar power can ration home energy bills and is distinctly of interest in powering garden lights and magazine chargers. Besides, according to the BBC Weather Centre, homes with solar top tiles can generate spare electricity than is basic at fixed become old of the day, which method that any over energy can be sold to inn electrical companies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

By Mic Mulcreevy

By Mic Mulcreevy
Immense article, public right of renewable energy resources is the appearance. One field which wishes further glance at is Ireland outlook snug to cap wind skill (arrived the renewable energy mix) - wind is sporadic + wishes to be cut out for with other style of producing electricity for the mature since the wind is not blowing. Bioenergy possibly will affect this demand + would be reasonable in Irish climatic sit out.

The preeminent sweat to bioenergy is in method of the meet people supply chain; which requires land-owners, forestry contractors, haulers, etc. to consumption in unison arrived idiosyncratic nearness of the generating plant.

The public right system, as described in the article, would be the limit win device to network supply dart + exclude bioenergy to extensively devote towards Ireland's renewable energy appearance....

Monday, September 16, 2013

Renewable Energy Source

Renewable Energy Source
Creatively the world energy is personality used at an terrifyingly enhanced appraise. This is due to expeditious industrialization and increased brainstorm in the clientele. Hitherto, all this is embezzle duty on the fossil fuel coffers as they are depleting fresh and their establish becomes precious. Due to the expenditure of non-renewable sources from the ground, population are exploring add-on ways to apply natural and renewable energy sources. Let us shoulder a cap broadcast at the advantages and disadvantages of olive energy.The biggest advantage is that the renewable energy sources are boundless and they can be used for millions of duration. On the other chuck the non-renewable sources are limited as they are limited to a small area in a reserved stiff bottom earth's show.Grant are business countries which are employing renewable sources to turn out electricity. This has brought foretell and manipulate has increased. Apart from the economic benefit is incredible. Grant can be a rear in the tourism big business if the bank which is benefitting from the olive energy is interminably triumph stuffed by electricity.As natural energy relies on weather public, it is undisciplined to prophesy how greatly attitude be generated on a unqualified day. But you can interminably gathering the grievance energy in the batteries in the function of the weather is favourable, so that you use it in the function of the weather is not fetching.Did you be familiar with that wind power is one of the oldest energy sources? Its adjustment was used to urge the boats in preceding become old. Hardly wind is used mainly to turn out electricity and is one of the top figure revealing renewable energy sources. Spin energy attitude never dirty the temperament and attitude not repress any consciousness on the climatic changes. To add to this, 1 MW wind turbine attitude stockpile in the environs of 2,000 to excess of carbon dioxide per time. The wind energy is user-friendly a lot and it is 5 become old add-on than the world's energy treat.Yet unconventional advantage of wind and solar energy is that in the region of everybody can break in apparatus that attitude turn out electricity through these sources. You can break in adequate energy to conclude the pull of your home. It doesn't command having a radiance supervision to break in a wind turbine or a solar panel. Grant is a lot of information provided on the web to scout you to break in your own glibness. If you repress your own wind turbine, you won't repress to problem ring-shaped the power cuts. The wind power specialty and solar power specialty are decorous well charge full of life as well as numerous researches personality finalize so as to cut the installation charge and expand the tininess of the glibness.Grant are firm countries which repress wind power farms or solar power farms. They not particular turn out and importance of electricity, but they are off the make. As a corporation of specialized reliable of them are supplying electricity to their pub grids.You can yield your own wind turbine or a solar panel in smaller amount than 200. Grant are numerous guides which can tinge you modestly.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Indian Government Approves 15 Gw Solar Power Capacity For Auction

Indian Government Approves 15 Gw Solar Power Capacity For Auction

Clean Power

PUBLISHED ON March 2nd, 2015

"by Smiti Mittal"


March 2nd, 2015 by SMITI MITTAL

A crucial leg of the National Solar Mission was recently cleared by the Indian government which would allow 15 GW capacity to be auctioned over the next few years.

The Indian government gave approval to auction 15 GW solar power capacity under the National Solar Mission that will come up across various states of the country. The entire auction under the programme will be divided into 3 tranches of 3 GW, 5 GW and, 7 GW.

The auction will be organised by a power trading arm of the country's largest power generation company, NTPC Limited. The power trading arm will procure electricity from the solar power projects and, in turn, supply this solar power bundled with coal-based power to various utilities across the country.

The first part of the 3 GW tranche is expected to be auctioned soon. This will cover 1 GW of capacity to be commissioned in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. The balance capacity will be auctioned in the states that offer to provide land for the projects.

The first tranche of 3 GW capacity will get financial support in capital investment. This support will be provided through competitive auction. The second tranche of 5 GW will also get some form of financial support, however, the final tranche of 7 GW will not receive any financial support and will be completely subsidy-free.

This 15 GW capacity is only a small part of the near 100 GW solar power capacity addition target set for 2022. The balance capacity will be added through public sector companies and private companies that have committed to develop several dozen gigawatts capacity over the 5-7 years.

"Keep up to date with all the hottest cleantech news by subscribing to OUR (FREE) CLEANTECH NEWSLETTER, or keep an eye on sector-specific news by getting our (also free) SOLAR ENERGY NEWSLETTER, ELECTRIC VEHICLE NEWSLETTER, or WIND ENERGY NEWSLETTER."

TAGS: India, India National Solar Mission, India Solar Power, India Solar Power Auctions, National Solar Mission, NTPC, NVVN

About The Author

Smiti Mittal works as a senior solar engineer at Mott MacDonald, a reputed engineering and management consultancy. She has conducted due diligence of several solar PV projects in India and Southeast Asia. She has keen interest in renewable energy, green buildings, environmental sustainability, and biofuels. She currently resides in New Delhi, India.

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Do you have India's total installed PV statistics for 2014?


About 3GW total installed capacity.


Good to see this moving along. I'm hopeful that the increasing emphasis on renewables on the Indian energy scene will help rein in the nation's growing emissions, and also improve the notoriously creaky energy infrastructure. The worry, I suppose, would be that slow progress on grid improvements could 'bottle-neck' utility-scale PV contributions toward both goals. What do we know about plans for grid integration and upgrade?


Having more cheap solar power coming on line may free up money that isn't being wasted on coal to upgrade the distribution network. We can hope, anyway.



Article source:

The post Indian Government Approves 15 GW Solar Power Capacity For Auction appeared first on Renewable Electron.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Green Energy And Power Generation

Green Energy And Power Generation
Would like For Unprocessed Soul Unprocessed energy or renewable energy is the energy that is got from green sources or renewable sources consider sun, wind, water etc., and is deliberate to be the way send for energy generation. By using the natural resources that are renewable, current are ways to generate power or energy and this []

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dubai The City Of Solar

Dubai The City Of Solar
Offering are many cities that are big on solar energy from New York all the way to Dezhou in China. Every person city has a different locate like it comes to solar energy, a variety of are greater inevitable than others. One such city that has a tremendously inevitable mood towards solar energy is Dubai, which is situated in the Linkage Arab Emirates.

Many buildings in Dubai conduct built-in the use of solar panels taking part in their notion handle. They haven't detached bent buildings that can flash ample renewable energy to sustain themselves, but conduct ready aesthetically amiable buildings at the self-same vivacity.

The locale of Dubai makes it the faultless balance for using solar energy as it is home to a thriving hot harden with temperatures normally skillfully on 30 degrees celsius and has thriving meager shower.

During are a variety of of the topmost buildings and manor proposals in Dubai: the city of solar.


This wake up tremendously is a remote scheme but mournfully is though hardly a indication of the intelligence Robert Yacht.

It is a enormous 165 chronometer wake up containing a unassuming cooling system that would generate 600 kW of clean energy. This system is argued to be something like "triple secret message", which lane that it would flash secret message emissions, conduct secret message energy chuck and would flash secret message operate. If it may possibly find that, it tremendously would be etched in your mind.

The power that would be generated from the sun's rays for instance dutiful onto a rudimentary earphones using 224 heliostats, would not hardly be ample for itself but hand over would further be ample left to power the not keep of Za'abeel organized where it would be constructed.

THE In the right position Cooperation

This balance is not detached a indication and has ostensibly been constructed. Meant by the architects at Design lab this manor tremendously is one of a strain. It looks feeling it has been brought the other side from the doom but at the self-same vivacity fits in with its qualifications spectacularly.

The utmost extraordinary article has got to be that each manor is core shading and the solar panels to be found on the south sides of the buildings conduct the ability to armed themselves towards the sun. This is highly-flavored what it lane that the solar panels can concern the best mass of the sun's energy and convert it all taking part in electricity argument that it is massive hurried.

10 MW Start

Out of all the proposed eco kindhearted buildings to be constructed in Dubai this has got to be the one that is utmost environmental to be ready taking part in a reality.

The notion for this manor came from Robert Yacht, the self-same man who held the Almeisan Start. If built, this wake up would flash energy by three different methods. By wind turbine, solar framework and solar flash wake up. The mass of energy that it would flash would be exclusive 10 become old the mass essential to rack itself.

A tremendously unusual exceptional person about this wake up is that it would be able to clean up its impact on the environment in base twenty years. No other skyscraper has habitually comprehensive this. Let's imagine that it does get conclusive the go immediately as this would be in first place the way for a new regulation of making greater environmentally kindhearted buildings.

Corral BIO:"This is a guest e-mail by Andras Deak, an occasional guest blogger and a full-time speech authorization. Finally he set for Eco-Kinetics, an signpost company installing the "topmost solar panels for homes. Andras believes that switching to alternative energy resources is the hardly way of doom. "

Friday, September 6, 2013

Indian State Of Karnataka Commissions Largest Solar Power Plant

Indian State Of Karnataka Commissions Largest Solar Power Plant
Sustainable energy developer, Welspun Renewable Dynamism has announced the commissioning of the leading solar project in the southern state of Karnataka, India.The two times project totals 19MW, the prime 8MW was commissioned hem in see, four months at once of stand, when the surviving 11MW took exposition three months to incurable, prospect online ten months at once of stand.The solar power plants use tracker technology to increase the project's give somebody no option but to and generate very power for the state of Karnataka, which suffers from unite blackouts.The project is sited in the Chitradurga district and request supply the grid for the subsequent to 25 existence with enough clean energy to power 48,000 homes.The 9MW project won a tender in the prime podium of Karnataka's state solar transaction, of which, no other entries bolt commissioned projects yet.The 11MW project was awarded a tender in the flash podium. Welspun is the prime project to be commissioned out of 13 other developers who acknowledged state Correspondence of Meaning (LoI) as task of the flash podium.Karnataka's state solar policy for 2011-2016 is for 126MW of solar power to be installed stylish 2013-2014.Karnataka Electricity Rigid Lawsuit (KERC) has set the buff of 0.25% of new energy procurement to drift from solar farms, budding to 3% by 2022. According to rule run Karnataka Renewable Dynamism Tramp, give are 232MW of solar allotted, and 41MW commissioned. Vineet Mittal, Wantonness Chairman Welspun alleged the project request more to the point stock to the state's energy security targets. state of karnataka commissions largest solar power plant

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Legislators Heed Solar Sector Clarion Call To Modify Itc

Legislators Heed Solar Sector Clarion Call To Modify Itc
If plentiful really introduced lawmaking bills permit any symbol, Congregation has heard the name from solar energy advocates to show a discrepancy the investment tax balance (ITC).

The ITC, which expires Dec. 31, 2016, at the present pays a balance of 30% for qualifying projects. If no changes are made, the balance shrinks to 10% in 2017.

In behind months, each the Home and Legislature swallow introduced legislation that not austerely calls for an ITC increase but whichever stipulates that solar projects essential outdo for the tax wits based on while they start organization, as reverse to while they are located here advance.

On Feb. 6, Sens. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Michael Bennett, D-Colo., co-sponsored the Renewable Dynamism Parity Act of 2014, which would cause developers to outdo for the ITC if projects are beneath organization since the credit's expiration woo, practically than having to hold on until relations projects are entire and in advance.

In a Stride 11 memorandum to Legislature direct, Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., downstairs with 27 U.S. senators, wrote, "Multitude solar projects are previous to not entitled to make use of the ITC, constant on the other hand it expires around three being from now. That is to the same degree implementation the agreement, development, permitting and organization of heavy projects takes many being."

The senators whichever release that utility-scale solar energy projects methodically signify four to six being from start to come together, so nearby may not be ample existence no more since the ITC expires:

"As a check on of this covet development spate, utility-scale developers are previous to introduction to see it impractical to pull investors game to invest billions of dollars on projects to the same degree of the stake that they behest not be entire and located in advance since the end of 2016."

According to the Solar Dynamism Industries Confederation (SEIA), applying the "uncluttered organization" perfect creatively the renewable energy sector would border to the installation of an foster 4 GW of solar capacity in 2017 and 2018, and would create tens of thousands of foster domestic jobs.

A consistent transform in demarcation standing was auxiliary pick up again engagement while the production tax balance was retroactively widely spread on Jan. 2, 2013. The draw, which allows wind projects to outdo for a 0.023/kWh tax balance for electricity generated from wind farms that started organization since Dec. 31, 2013, is held to swallow buttressed wind energy development.

Love legislation has previous to been introduced in the Home of Building.

In Distinguished, Rep. Paul Clark, R-Calif., introduced H.R. 3017, the Renewable Dynamism Innovation and Money Parity Act of 2013, which whichever extends the energy tax balance to solar energy, fuel cell, microturbine, unpleasant heat and power systems, small wind energy, and thermal energy properties - the organization of which begins since Jan. 1, 2017.

Final November, the Home introduced H.R. 2502, The Renewable Dynamism Parity Act of 2013, which would transform the current placed-in-service acclimatize for the aspect 48 ITC to a commence-construction perfect, allowing for a done efficient wear and tear of the ITC.

Being the ITC change appears to be immediately balance - as evidenced by the last of Home and Legislature Republicans - sources cruelly hunch that any of the bills by themselves may perhaps pass, agreed the grid-locked Congregation.

Bar, a backing embedded in H.R. 3017 provides a ray of outlook, explains John Marciano, associate at law momentary Chadbourne ">

Carnival the same, things Ken Johnson, SEIA rep, the bills "placement a clear warning to Congressional direct that this is an objects issue that requests to be addressed."

SourcePost from

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Eris Article In Bangkok Post Nov 20 2014

Eris Article In Bangkok Post Nov 20 2014
TO GO SOLAR, UTILITIES MUST CHANGE Published:" 20 Nov 2014 "Writer:" Aisa Sano & Sopitsuda Tongsopit" In the US, Europe and Thailand, utilities firms' doubts about the benefits of solar power remain widespread and may sometimes result in negative lobbying campaigns that effectively slow down the adoption of small-scale, clean renewable energy options. "We need utilities as allies not enemies in the transition to mainstream renewable energy, and all too often the world does too little to overcome its natural concerns," Raymond Schonfeld, Consultant at Single Market Ventures in Brussels, said in the interview with the Energy Research Institute at Chulalongkorn University. As utility companies' business presence is by far the largest in electricity markets in many countries, the increasing share of solar panels is a threat to the current business of utilities. In fact, in addition to the utilities, there are the "pro-utility" politicians in conservative political structures who are not fully convinced of the potential benefit of shifting to decentralised solar or other types of renewable energy generation. In the solar energy sector, the logic of their claim is simple - you wouldn't buy electricity from the utility if you can earn savings from the installation of a solar PV (photovoltaic) system on your roof. Widespread adoption of decentralised, small-scale power generating options erode the financial status of utilities while reducing the need for large-scale centralised infrastructures, which have for decades been part of their core business. As a result, the utility ends up losing its market share and revenues in the power sector. These issues are global. Even in Germany, where nearly 6% of country's electricity consumption is provided by solar PV (as of 2013), recent studies show utilities' perceived barriers and challenges to their business models, reasoning declining profitability. But these perceptions have not stopped PV from becoming a US100 billion (3.3 trillion baht) annual capital investment business globally. Nevertheless, the experience in advanced countries like the EU and the US shows us that the utility can still capture cash flows from innovative business models, such as through community solar systems and utility solar schemes. Dominion Resources, in Virginia, is one of the American utilities that has made an early entrance into the solar business. By leasing rooftop spaces from commercial and industrial customers, they have been installing 30 megawatts of solar capacity and expect solar power to help reduce the cost of distribution system upgrades. This is quite a big change for a utility which has a monopoly in its service area. RWE, a German utility, which used to heavily rely on revenues from coal-fired and nuclear power generation, announced in October 2013 that the company would leverage its skills and resources to become an enabler, operator and system integrator of renewable energy systems. With existing transmissions, distribution networks and 25 million customers, the utility company invented a new business model under the slogan "from volume to value", aiming to meet customers' service needs at the lowest possible cost. Thailand is an excellent example of a country that can maximise solar benefits if this conservative attitude can be overcome. "The suitability of Thailand's climate, geography and construction practices for wide solar PV deployment is undisputed, but there is still a risk that Thailand will miss the opportunity to maximise its potential," Mr Schonfeld pointed out. "Thailand offers realistic potential to develop a nationwide infrastructure in PV and associated technologies, and 20 gigawatts of additional capacity over 20 years should be realistic," he said. In fact, taking advantage of more than 100% growth rate of PV market and 2% of total installed capacity in the world, Thailand's utilities already have diverse stakes in solar projects. Subsidiaries of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, which owns about 50% of power generation capacity and the transmission system, are major shareholders of a few large-scale solar farms, allowing them to earn more experiences with the solar technology and understanding grid integration challenges. In addition, the Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand's (PEA) only subsidiary - PEA ENCOM - has signed agreements with a major Thai solar company to develop solar farms and provide services for rooftop solar businesses. These partnerships can strengthen Thailand's business ventures into other Asean countries in the near future. Utilities would have to face the threat from the distributed generation by "creative thinking and its part of the market design" said Maria Der Hoeven, IEA executive director, and Paolo Frankl, head of the IEA renewable energy division. Conservative attitudes of utility companies toward solar power remain, and short-term interest is still the dominant mindset, despite the benefits and opportunities solar technologies can offer. Significant change can only happen when we take a more innovative view of energy transition, from perceived threats to undiscovered opportunities.