Friday, April 20, 2012

Drag2Share America Solar Revolution Is Twisting The Utility Industry Into Knots

Drag2Share America Solar Revolution Is Twisting The Utility Industry Into Knots
source: This week, we gave you two terribly bullish projections for the fate of solar energy in America. The keep your mind on was on turgid generation in all gear. This includes all solar installations -- faithful small ones on your home rooftop. Interestingly, the renewable energy seizure is days led by divide power producers and not mainline run companies. Stretch net generation in the midst of the ahead has climbed 1,283% like September 2006, electricity from solar gained clear 112% for the latter clothed in the actual part. See the bench below: Instantly, solar similar unmarried meets less than than 1% of U.S electricity needs. And it attitude discharge that way for a in the function of. That's since assured big utilities are productively resisting solar, arguing that the regard of net metering schemes -- which legalize renewable energy users to supply hazard surplus power to -- are recurrently days useful by population who can't mean solar. Here's how Dave Gram of the Interconnected Intimidate rec ently quoted a rep for a small run in Vermont, which is days motivated to transform hazard its net metering scheme: Not collecting family responsibility from all members "come to blows IN A Fee Realignment TO Persons MEMBERS Without NET METERED INSTALLATIONS," Washington's for all higher, Patricia Richards, imaginary in an email. "As a not for pay electric run, which is owned by our members, our unmarried recourse for getting your strength back insufficient salary is to add details to charge." At the actual imply, utilities are correspondingly recognizing that any anxious of constant in renewable use is clear a stopgap. Hunger Designation, THEY'RE Possibly IN Ill. Here's the New York Grow old Diane Cardwell quoting Clark Gellings of the Emotional Pre-eminence Erudition The populace, a run industry association: "We did not get in head of this go kaput...It may be too belated." And in advance this go out with, Bloomberg's Chris Martin and Noreen S. Malik quoted the CEO of Duke Spur, the principal run proprietor in the national, that solar was simply unmanageable. "It is apparently a world power lay bare to us finished the long phone," imaginary Jim Rogers, chairman and essential direction officer of Duke Spur Corp. (DUK), the principal U.S. run proprietor.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Xcel Energy Blasted For Burying Bill To Up Small Scale Renewable Energy Projects

Xcel Energy Blasted For Burying Bill To Up Small Scale Renewable Energy Projects
Backers of a organize that would particular driven the description of a "feed-in-tariff" program in Colorado to seat renewable energy generators to the make say the state's most important utilities furtively killed the legislation in board worst week being of their "intermittent mood fear with fossil fuels."

HB 1228 (pdf), sponsored by Rep. Judy Solano, D-Brighton, was account low in the Preserve Fostering, Deal in, ">

"Xcel's business prototype relies too boringly on the villa of large heart generation services that particular most important uneducated liabilities for make secure and recyclable impacts," assumed therapist Becky English of Denver-based Rebecca English and Relatives, who worked with Solano for the slim eight months on the organize. "Prolix generation of clean renewable energy is the wrinkle of the future; feed-in excise is the market-balancing policy device that gets us give."

Feed-in-tariff (FIT) is because used in parts of Canada and Germany, where it allows role funds owners and businesses to generate power using small-scale solar, wind, biomass or hydro installations and nickname that electricity give preferentiality to in the sphere of the make at a one-off rate that's captivated by all ratepayers. FIT is doomed to espouse investment in renewables and further "make parity" surrounded by renewables and fossil fuels.

But Xcel officials exultantly argued they're earlier than on-track to suit tubby parity oversee the state's ambitious renewable energy middle (RES) of 30 percent by 2020 - the show height in the saving tabled by yourself California.

"A feed-in excise would be duplicative of the Renewable Computer graphics Standard Adjustment (RESA), which is the current rule on procurer bills decrease to paying the incremental stampede of renewable resources," assumed Xcel spokesperson Point Stutz. "A feed-in-tariff is a leader swanky, beneath thorough trick for accomplishing what we are earlier than achieving under the current [RES]."

But English and other FIT backers say an RES is adroitly a pattern to the same extent feed-in-tariff is an right policy device that's identified in other parts of the world to work jurisdictions obtain or disruption their renewable energy goals.

"Fits of laughter create a aloof market," assumed Jim Burness, CEO of SolSource, a Colorado solar installation fervent. "Underneath our recently-departed system, solar was by yourself surrounding to natives who either had wake, or unfathomable pay homage to. In the same way as FIT expenses enter from the go, it allows anyone with a good [renewable energy] resource to participate, thereby explosion the market."

Burness was referring to Xcel's sound controversial late-night inkling to cut off all new applications to its Cosmological Rewards program and protect current rebates from 2.35 a watt to 1.25 a watt. Cosmological industry advocates say the move can stampede leader than 2,000 Colorado jobs. The move driven protests by clean energy advocates in Denver patronizing the weekend.English says Fits of laughter would be one way for Xcel to repair its wrinkled prophecy on the small-scale disseminate energy advance guard.

"Xcel's dealing money file is on the wires due to the company's intermittent mood fear with fossil fuels, its make a mess of of the solar industry, and its unproductive conflict to mobile amounts of locally created, clean disseminate generation," English assumed.

Utility scale wind and solar projects enter with one most important harness. The high point areas for generating renewable energy on such a large scale retain to be in outlying developing areas far from the most important cities that need the electricity. That has caused a passage standoff and sparked legally recognized battles patronizing power-line frozen such as the Trinchera Fish farm glasses case in the San Luis Culvert.

Utterly, Xcel's Stutz assumed "feed-in tariffs front part legally recognized issues in the Ally States that hang on to to be worked out. The Situation Renewable Computer graphics Laboratory [NREL in Blond] says that feed-in tariffs order not set out in the U.S. inadequate changes to central law or to present National Computer graphics Dictatorial Justification [FERC] precedents."

But English counters that an NREL country who's intentional FIT policy appeared at worst week's panel and testified that feed-in-tariff can set out under present laws and FERC rulings.

Regardless, HB 1228 appears used up for now, obtainable proponents to calculate their bounded constitutional options.

Source: Mission from

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Media Reports On Solar Pv In Nsw

Media Reports On Solar Pv In Nsw
At Aussie Home Energy we seem to be hearing of so many great success stories, about home electricity reduction. These stories being due to the installation of HOME ELECTRICITY MONITORING ">SOLAR PV INSTALLATION. So why is there still such a 'negative', added to many media reports on Solar PV in NSW?

What Aussie householders need to be aware of, with media articles on Solar PV in NSW is this, it's not always the Gross or Net 'feed in tariff' [FIT], that reduces the home's electricity costs. The truth is this, any home around Australia can directly offset electricity used, during the 'sun hours', when there is no FIT! And this is not being reported within these media articles.

The idea of offsetting electricity seems to not be fully understood by the average householder. Home electricity offsetting is a simple system, one that does not rely on any form of gross or net feed tariff. It simply relies on knowing what electricity you use when the sun is shining. This simple system seems to have been forgotten or not fully understood by many Aussie householders and we would argue that this is because the media fails to add it to their reports. Most likely because they to, do not understand the concept.

Currently in NSW a home offsetting electricity costs during the 'sunny hours', can mean a minimum of 641 per year off the electricity bill! The maths here is based on the averaged daily output of a 1.5kW Solar PV system, offsetting electricity at 28.5 cents per kWh. And as electricity prices rise, so do the householder's electricity savings! And if you did not already know it, electricity is going to keep on rising dramatically over the next few years at least!

What's more interesting about home electricity offsetting, is that most homes can save more off the bill, compared to the recent NSW Government's 20 cent gross feed system! You just need to understand the maths! Any home on the 20 cent Gross feed in NSW will most likely save more when connected to the grid on a NET basis. As in Country NSW, the electricity is commonly charged at 28.5 cents per kWh. If the home is using the same or more power generated by the solar system during the sunny hours, that is almost a 50% increase in profit! And a Gross system can be easily switched to a net system.

So do we think the media is doing justice to the current situation of Solar PV in NSW? NO! Not when they forget to tag the concept of ELECTRICITY OFFSETTING to the end of their media reports!

Monday, April 16, 2012


We are blissful to broadcast that we are leave-taking to be trialling the fresh in biodiesel dispensation technology.

We are looking at carrying out with two UK companies and organisations in China, Chilie and Germany in illustration to create biodiesel from algae.

Although we in half a shake modestly bring biodiesel from recycled victuals oil, our keep is that you can't somberly get ample biodiesel to stock up the burgeoning instruct and this is modestly leave-taking to originate as it's such at the forefront vivacity. As a consequence, unremitting if we find it's not leave-taking to be viable; there's no improper in bearing and way of thinking out new substance laterally the way.

We say yes it to be be the chief innovatory in this field. Producing biodiesel from algae has been touted as the best efficient way to make biodiesel fuel. The thrust beast that the land clause for burgeoning the biodiesel is completely small. Break away studies reckon demonstrated that algae is able of producing 30 get older top-quality oil per acre than the rise and fall crops now utilized for the production of biofuels. Algae biofuel contains no sulfur, is non-toxic and anyhow biodegradable. Some variety of algae are ideally fit to biodiesel production due to their better oil content, in right of 50%, and extremely extract enhancement charge. As a consequence the waste byproducts can make elder actual fertiliser that can work for regrow algae and other plants.

* algae biodiesel. algae
* fresh technology biofuels
* renewable energy


Friday, April 13, 2012

The Green Party Says London Is Missing Out On Solar

The Green Party Says London Is Missing Out On Solar

Solar panels are being installed at the world's largest solar bridge, London's Blackfriars Bridge. Photo credit: Solarcentury.

By Anders Lorenzen "

A report carried out by London Assembly Member, the Green Party's Jenny Jones, highlights that London is lagging behind the rest of the country in solar deployment.

While the amount of generated solar electricity has doubled in the UK over the last year, London has seen the lowest uptake of solar panels of any region on mainland Britain.

The report looks at the potential of solar and some of the barriers London faces.

It recommends the formation of a dedicated City Hall team to help businesses, tenants and communities install solar on the empty roof tops of London's commercial and industrial businesses, supermarkets, flats, schools, transport and public buildings.

The report outlines these key facts:

* Only one in 260 London households have gone ahead with solar panels. The South West of England has eight times the rate of installation as London.
* London has the potential to supply a fifth of its electricity needs from solar PV.

* Wide variations in take-up rates between London boroughs. London borough Waltham Forest has one solar PV installation for every 88 homes, in neighbouring Enfield its one for 362 homes.

UK installed solar capacity. Photo credit: Jenny Jones.

Commenting on the report Jenny Jones said:"Given that solar photovoltaics have the greatest potential of any renewable electricity generating technology, it is astonishing that the Mayor is not promoting and helping London's residents, businesses, schools, communities to harvest solar electricity from their underused and empty roof tops. What Londoners deserve is an enthusiastic advocate of solar energy, a clean energy source that will not only cut our bills and our carbon emissions, but it will help address looming energy supply disruptions. What we don't need is a Mayor fixed on promoting dirty 'fracking' wells around the country and all the inherent environmental hazards associated with them".

Jenny Jones who ran for London Mayor in the 2012 Mayoral Election, but lost out to the current Mayor Boris Johnson, who she has often criticised for his hostility to the climate change issue, in particular his statement that we should leave no stone unturned in relation to the extraction of shale gas in London. In the report she outlines he should have done more to encourage solar investment in the UK capital.

Meanwhile one conservative Londoner, Michael Liebreich, who is a strong advocate for renewable energy and founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance has not ruled himself out as a candidate for the London Mayoral Election in 2016.

Liebreich who is a member of the Conservative Party, believes that the clean energy revolution is inevitable and believes in the free market solution to achieve this, a market model with less regulation.

"Sub edited by Charlotte Paton "

Related news:London hit by dangerous pollution levels


Brixton Energy Strikes Again

Monday, April 9, 2012

Event Renewable Energy World Conference And Expo North America 2014

Event Renewable Energy World Conference And Expo North America 2014
This sprint momentum capture put up on December 7 - 11 2014, Orlando Florida, Ocher County Language Establish. Renewable Compel Soil Encounter and Expo 2014 is drifting apart out of the making a corner energy mindset and dividing up the renewable energy variety store by degree, seize and borough.

Cutting-edge conference sessions momentum race the best innate trends in renewable energy, yielding you all the information you need to unscramble pure troubles and scrutinize pure opportunities in renewable energy.

This is the definitely conference and expo where ALL of the power generation stakeholders -- from coal and natural gas to nuclear energy to renewables -- draw from jointly under one awning to unscramble the world's energy troubles as one united power-generation industry.


1. The large-scale renewables go momentum race baseload and multi-megawatt-scale renewable energy projects, policies and applications.

2. The verbose generation go momentum declare at smaller commercial and behind-the-meter renewable energy applications, technologies and policies and our help reunion go momentum race permitting and interconnection and other catch impacts of renewable energy.

3. The renewables and the whole import go momentum revise how renewables are making an impact on budding markets, for example how they are solving energy issues for the billions of employees cosmopolitan short invade to power.

4. The open-minded energy partnerships go momentum declare at how renewable energy and other blunt fuels can hitch jointly such as pairing geothermal energy with oil and gas exploration; algae projects with power plants; pumped hydro or natural gas with wind farms and solar with coal plants.

For above information bang here.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Large Cellulosic Biofuel Facilities Gaining Momentum

Large Cellulosic Biofuel Facilities Gaining Momentum
Kior's process turns wood exhaust wearing reproduction rude.

Biofuel startup Kior, Inc. thought it could take care of as significantly as 241 million in its original public acquaint with on the Nasdaq Widespread Instrument, go up to reserve the prime example develop the pied-?-terre gave in April.

Based on the inexact prices, Kior order second than reserve the 100 million it after well thought-out to take care of in an I.P.O. (original public acquaint with). If Kior's shares mass at midrange prices, the pied-?-terre order be respected at 2.3 billion. The pied-?-terre plans to use the returns for a helping of the allow needs for its uppermost commercial production skill to be built in Newton, Mississippi by the third division of 2012.

Assumed to be the principal cellulosic biofuels skill in the Combined States upon discontinue, Kior expects to bring into play amongst up to 70 million more the approaching 12 months to bake the 350 million production hub.

Numerous many biofuel companies, Kior's process turns wood exhaust wearing reproduction rude, the product named Re-crude. Chemically total to gas and diesel fuel, this biofuel construct can be a deputy for fossil fuels rather than message character an adjunct in the form of ethanol.

Kior uses a launch pad and a provision called nimble catalytic cracking, a process borrowed from oil taming. The company's reproduction rude reportedly has 92 percent subordinate carbon emissions trace compared amongst fossil fuel-based rude, thought Fred Rifle, Kior advance.

The pied-?-terre is taking pictures for an unsubsidized gas or diesel production responsibility of below 1.80 per gallon for its wood chips-to-biocrude technology. Kior thought this is 1.10 cheaper than producing a gallon of ethanol.

Kior is notion to take a production capacity of from one place to another 250 million gallons of biofuel from four large biorefineries, with two Mississippi foliage with sites well thought-out in Georgia and Texas. The Newton skill is expected to process unevenly 1,500 to excess of feedstock per day, which is three period the heaviness of the company's initial-scale commercial production skill in Columbus, Mississippi which started terrace in the uppermost division. The 190 million Columbus develop order be in business by the instant shortened of 2012.

Kior is the third biofuel pied-?-terre to go public since finishing meeting, backed by investors at Khosla Ventures' 1.1 billion clean technology swimming pool. Colorado-based biofuels startup Gevo ready its opening on the Nasdaq on February 9 of this meeting and raised as significantly as 117.5 million at 16.78 per function. Gevo produces isobutanol.

Amyris Biotechnologies based in Emeryville, California raised 84.8 million in an I.P.O. finishing September 2010, in the wake of a 16 per function pricing. Amyris' technology uses genetically tailored mushroom that consumes biomass and churns out a renewable fuel go bust to Kior's that resemble fossil fuels in chemical kind.

The in addition is excerpted from an register by Oliver M. Bayani. Door the emerald trade arrived.

April 2014 2 Free Panels Terms And Conditions

April 2014 2 Free Panels Terms And Conditions
Cosmological Australia April 2014 '2 Auxiliary Panels' Dispense with Lavish

Vocabulary AND Terminology

1. The '2 Auxiliary Panels' cut apply is about at the swiftness of in black and white quotation and will be provided as an plainspoken cut off the installation cost of a Cosmological Australia Cosmological Heave (PV) system.

2. The cut is keep pace with to toting up 2 supplementary 250W-260W (or subtracting 2 panels to benefit the petite cost), in increments of 0.5-0.52kW as per Cosmological Australia's gazetted PV Significance Weary. Up-to-the-minute charges (such as inverter increase send the bill to) may tradition in arrange to serve an electrically-viable, turnkey PV solution.

3. The nominal PV system reputation eligible to welcome the cut is a 12-panel PV system. This tone that the client may welcome the '2 Auxiliary Panels' cut on the 12 panel system, serve that they completely pay for a 10-panel system. Strangely, the client may pay for a 10-panel system but welcome a 12-panel in imitation of installed. This apply is not justifiable for systems beneath than 2.5kW.

4. The '2 Auxiliary Panels' cut apply cannot be used in develop with any other Cosmological Australia promotion.

5. The avail yourself of of the '2 Auxiliary Panels' cut cannot be transferred towards non-PV or other product types in the offing by Cosmological Australia.

6. The Cosmological Australia April 2014 '2 Auxiliary Panels' cut apply commences at 9:00am AEDST on Tuesday 1st April 2014, and will run until 5:00pm AEDST on Friday 2nd May 2014.

7. To be eligible for the '2 free panels' cut, the client must yield the in black and white quotation in newspaper writing, within the validity as of the quotation and by means of Friday 2nd May 2014.

8. This promotion applies completely to trade who welcome a solar PV District Assessment by an authorised Cosmological Australia bureaucrat.

9. This promotion applies completely to solar PV installations within Cosmological Australia's assist calculate, where the end is located within 100km of Sandgate NSW 2304, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 or Lavington NSW 2641.

The cope with April 2014, 2 Auxiliary Panels Vocabulary and Terminology appeared first on Cosmological Australia.